Adding dimension attributes to a report

Use this procedure to customize a report by adding dimension attribute columns to a report.

  • GL field attributes are stored in the GeneralLedgerTotal.GeneralLedgerChartAccount dimension and finance dimension 2.
  • Project field attributes are stored in GeneralLedgerTotal.Project and finance dimension 2.
  • Dimension attributes can only be added to posting level row dimensions.
  • Attributes can only be added to one row dimension and are added after the row dimension in the report.
  1. Select Rows > Dimension Details.
  2. Select a row dimension for the posting level. The Attribute Details section is available. The same attribute details cannot be added to more than one dimension.
  3. Specify the fields for the new attribute for a row dimension.
    Attribute ID
    Select the attribute that is associated with the row dimension.
    Optionally, edit a column header in the report. The default is from the dimension attribute selected.
    Define the column size.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Repeat the steps to add more attributes.
  6. To delete a row dimension with attributes or to re-sequence a row dimension, first delete the attribute details that are associated with that row dimension.