MSCM - Point of Use for Department Inventory dashboards and reports

Inventory Value per Department

The Inventory Value per Department dashboard shows the total quantity on hand of items and the total value of items in each department and locations within the department.

This list shows the dashboard KPIs:

  • Total Inventory Value - total cost of items in the selected department or department location. The total cost is computed as Quantity on Hand * Unit Cost * Conversion Factor.
  • Total Quantity On Hand - total quantity of items in the selected department or department location

This list shows the filters used for slicing data:

  • Company
  • Inventory Major Class
  • Item
  • POU Department Location Name
  • POU Department Name
  • POU Facility

This list shows the widgets in the dashboard:

  • The Inventory Value per Department widget is a bar chart that shows the inventory value(cost) in each department.
  • The Inventory Value per Department Location widget is a bar chart that shows the inventory value(cost) in each department location.
  • The Inventory Quantity and Value per Department widget is a detailed report that shows the total inventory value(cost) in each department and department location. The widget includes information such as company, facility, department, department location, inventory class, item, manufacturer, quantity and cost. the report is grouped by department, department location, and inventory class.

Consigned vs Non-consigned Items

The Consigned vs Non-consigned Items dashboard shows a comparison of the quantity on hand of consigned against non-consigned items in each department and locations within the department.

This list shows the dashboard KPIs:

  • Consigned Quantity - total quantity of items that are tagged as consigned in the selected department or department location
  • Non-consigned Quantity - total quantity of items that are tagged as non-consigned in the selected department or department location

This list shows the filters used for slicing data:

  • Company
  • Inventory Major Class
  • POU Consignment Flag
  • POU Department Location Name
  • POU Department Name
  • POU Facility

This list shows the widgets in the dashboard:

  • The Consigned vs Non-consigned Items per Department widget is a bar chart that compares the quantity on hand of consigned against non-consigned items in each department.
  • The Consigned vs Non-consigned Items per Department Location widget is a bar chart that compares the quantity on hand of consigned against non-consigned items in each department location.
  • The Consigned vs Non-consigned Items widget is a detailed report that shows the quantity on hand of consigned and non-consigned items in each department and department location. Information includes company, facility, department, department location, inventory major class, item, manufacturer, quantity on hand, and cost. The report is grouped by consigned and non-consigned items.

Critical Level of Items

The Critical Level of Items dashboard shows the count of items with QOH that reached or is below the critical level.

This list shows the dashboard KPIs:

  • QOH < Critical Level - count of items that have QOH below the critical level in the selected department or department location
  • QOH = Critical Level - count of items that have QOH equal to the critical level in the selected department or department location.

This list shows the filters used for slicing data:

  • Company
  • POU Department Location Name
  • POU Department Name
  • POU Facility

This list shows the widgets in the dashboard:

  • The Critical Level of Items per Department widget is a bar chart that shows the count of items categorized by items with QOH < Critical Level and items with QOH = Critical level in each department.
  • The Critical Level of Items per Department Location widget is a bar chart that shows the count of items categorized by items with QOH < Critical Level and items with QOH = Critical level in each department location.
  • The Critical Level of Items widget is a detailed report showing the list of items whose quantity on hand fell below or reached the defined critical level. Information includes company, facility, department, department location, item, quantity on hand, and defined critical level. The report is grouped by Items with QOH < Critical Level and Items with QOH = Critical Level.