Dock Logging
Dock Logging is part of Infor Mobile Supply Chain Management Analytics. Receivers can use the dock logging feature to scan the carrier tracking number of each package as it is removed from the truck. This ensures that the delivery manifest is accurate and that discrepancies are identified before the driver leaves. Analytics can be used to analyze the effects of decisions and events or help evaluate business performance.
There are several MSCM reports that are available in the dashboards for Dock Logging.
Dock Log Transactions
The Dock Log Transactions dashboard is a graphical representation of the number of dock log transactions for a specific period.
This dashboard has these KPIs:
- Total Dock Log
- Average Dock Log per Month
- Company
- Date Range
- MSCM Dock Receiver
- MSCM Receiving Location Name
- RankFilter
- Vendor
- The Dock Log per Month widget is a chart that shows the dock log transactions per month. Clicking the chart redirects you to the Dock Log Header Detail dashboard.
- The Dock Log per Vendor widget shows the dock log transactions per vendor. Clicking the chart redirects you to the Dock Log Header Detail dashboard.
- The Dock Log per Dock Receiver widget shows the dock log transactions per dock receiver. Clicking the chart redirects you to the Dock Log per Dock Receiver Detail dashboard, which is filtered by the selected MSCM Dock Receiver.
- The Dock Log per Receiving Location widget shows the dock log transactions per receiving location. Clicking the chart redirects you to the Dock Log Header Detail dashboard.
Dock Log Line
The Dock Log Line dashboard is a graphical representation of the number of dock log line transactions for a specific period. It has three widgets that redirects you to the Dock Log Line Detail dashboard when clicked.
This dashboard has these KPIs:
- Total Dock Log Line
- Average Dock Log Line per Month
- Company
- Date Range
- MSCM Receiving Location Name
- RankFilter
- Vendor
- The Dock Log Line per Month widget is a line chart that shows the dock log line transactions per month.
- The Dock Log Line per Vendor widget is a bar char that shows the dock log line transactions per vendor.
- The Dock Log Line per Receiving Location widget is a bar chart the shows the dock log line transactions per receiving location.
Dock Log Header Detail
The Dock Log Header Detail shows a detailed report based on dock log header. The dashboard includes information such as date, dock log ID, dock receiver, vendor, MSCM receiving location code, MSCM receiving location name, created date, dock log count, and dock log package count.
This dashboard has these KPIs:
- Total Dock Logs
- Total Package Count
- Company
- Date Range
- MSCM Dock Receiver
- MSCM Receiving Location Name
- Vendor
Dock Log Line Detail
The Dock Log Line Detail dashboard shows a detailed report based on dock log line. The dashboard includes information such as date, dock log ID, dock log line number, dock receiver, dock log tracking number, vendor, MSCM receiving location name, and dock log line count.
This dashboard has Total Dock Log Line as a KPI.
- Company
- Dock Log ID
- MSCM Dock Receiver
- MSCM Receiving Location Name
- Vendor
- Date Range
Dock Log per Dock Receiver Detail
The Dock Log per Dock Receiver Detail dashboard shows a detailed report of dock log transactions per dock receiver. The dashboard includes information such as dock receiver, dock log ID, vendor, MSCM receiving location name, created date, dock log count, and dock log package count.
This dashboard has Average Dock Log per Dock Receiver as a KPI.
- Company
- MSCM Dock Receiver
- MSCM Receiving Location Name
- Vendor
- Date Range