
Picking is part of Infor Mobile Supply Chain Management Analytics. Warehouse technicians use a mobile application daily at the warehouse or stock location to download shipments that were generated in the Lawson Distribution system. The application is used to perform requisition-based inventory picking. Mobile Picking replaces manual, paper-based processes associated with picking, packing, and shipping used in customer facilities.

There are several MSCM reports that are available in the dashboards for Picking.


The Picklist dashboard is a graphical presentation of the number of picking transactions for a specific period.

Clicking the charts redirects you to Picklist Detail.

This dashboard has these KPIs:

  • Picklist Count
  • Average Picklist per Month
The filters used for slicing data are:
  • Company
  • MSCM Inventory Location Name
  • RAD Picking Internal Status
  • Date Range
This dashboard has these widgets:
  • The Picklist per Month widget is a line chart that shows the number of picking transactions per date range.
  • The Shipment Status widget is a donut chart that shows the number of picking transactions per shipment status.

Picklist Line

The Picklist Line dashboard shows a report of the picklist line transactions per month for a specific year. The dashboard includes information such as date, picklist line ID, MSCM delivery location name, requester, shipment line number, picking internal status, upload status, open quantity, picklist line pulled quantity and picklist line count.

Clicking the chart redirects you to Picklist Line Detail, filtered by a specific month.

This dashboard has Picklist Line Count as a KPIs.

The filters used for slicing data are:
  • Company
  • MSCM Delivery Location Name
  • RAD Picking Internal Status
  • Date Range

Picklist Detail

The Picklist Detail dashboard shows a detailed report for picking transactions. The dashboard includes information such as MSCM inventory location name, MSCM requesting location code, document number, last picked date, requested date, picking internal status, upload message, shipment date, duration (days), total shipment lines and picklist count.

Clicking the chart redirects you to Picklist Line, filtered by a specific Picking Internal Status.

This dashboard has Picklist Count as a KPI.

The filters used for slicing data are:
  • Company
  • MSCM Inventory Location Name
  • MSCM Requesting Location Name
  • RAD Picking Internal Status
  • Date Range

Picklist Line Detail

The Picklist Line Detail dashboard shows the list of the details for picking line transactions for a specific period. The dashboard includes information such as date, picklist ID, picklist line ID, upload status, picking tracking number, central supply technician, item, item type, allocated quantity, allocated UOM, pulled quantity, pulled quantity UOM, picklist line detail count.

This dashboard has Picklist Line Detail Count as a KPI.

The filters used for slicing data are:
  • Company
  • Item
  • MSCM Central Supply Technician
  • MSCM Inventory Location Name
  • RAD Picklist Line Detail Tracking Number
  • Date Range