MSCM - Mobile Par and Cycle Count dashboards and reports
Par and Cycle Count
This feature provides statistics for activities related to Par and Cycle count such as Par Counting, Kanban Counting, Pick for Par, and Cycle Counting.
Par and Cycle Count Activities
The Par and Cycle Count Activities dashboard has these KPIs which are sourced from Par and Cycle Count measures:
- Total Activities
- Average Activities per Month
Click the chart to redirect you to Par and Cycle Count Line Detail dashboard.
- Date Range
- Kanban Type
- MSCM Central Supply Technician
- MSCM Event Type
- The Par and Cycle Count Activities widget is a trend report chart that shows the number ofactivities per month of a selected date range.
- The Par and Cycle Count Activities per Status widget is a pie chart that shows the values of activities per status.
- The Par and Cycle Count Activities per Operator widget is a column chart that shows the number of activities and event types per central supply technician.
Par and Cycle Count Line Detail
The Activity Log Detail dashboard shows a detailed report for all par and cycle count activities per month of a selected date range. The dashboard includes information such as event type, par location name, header upload status, central supply technician, date, item, requiring bin number, count, par, requested quantity, UOM, requisition ID, document ID, and line upload status.
- Company
- Date Range
- Item
- Kanban Type
- MSCM Central Supply Technician
- MSCM Event Header Status
- MSCM Event Type
- MSCM Location Type Name
- MSCM Par Location Name
Par Value Analysis
- Total Par Cost
- Total On Hand Cost
Clicking the chart redirects you to the Par Value Analysis Detail dashboard.
- Company
- Item
- MSCM Location Type Name
- MSCM Par Location Name
- RankFilter
- The Par Value by Location widget is a bar report chart that shows current on hand and par cost of items per location.
- The Top Item Quantity per Location widget is a bar report chart that shows the item quantities per location according to ranking.
Par Value Analysis Detail
The Par Value Analysis Detail dashboard shows a detailed report for the current quantities on hand for the items in a par location. The dashboard includes information such as par location name, created date, item, central supply technician, quantity on hand, par level, standard cost, on hand cost, and par cost.
- Company
- Item
- MSCM Central Supply Technician
- MSCM Location Type Name
- MSCM Par Location Name
Replenishment Requests
The Replenishment Requests dashboard shows the replenishment transactions for a specified period.
Clicking the chart redirects you to the Par and Cycle Count Line Detail dashboard.
The filters used for slicing data are:
- Company
- Date Range
- Item
- MSCM Location Type Name
- MSCM Par Location Name
- RankFilter
This dashboard has these widgets:
- The Replenishment Requests per Par Location widget is a bar report chart that shows the number of par and cycle count activities per par location of a selected date range.
- The Requested Quantity per Par Location widget is a column chart that shows the requested quantity per par location generated through par counting activities.
- The Top Requested Items widget is a column that shows the most requested item in par locations based on total quantity requested through par Counting activities.