MSCM - Global reports and dashboards
Efficiency Tracking
There are MSCM reports that are available in the dashboards for Efficiency Tracking.
Activity Log
This list shows the dashboard KPIs which are sourced from Efficiency Tracking measures:
- Total Activity
- Average Activity per User
- Number of Users
- Total Man Hours
- Average Activity Per Hour
Clicking the chart redirects you to the Activity Log Detail dashboard.
This list shows the filters used for slicing data:
- Activity Type
- MSCM User
- RankFilter
- MSCM Activity Module
- Date Range
This list shows the widgets in the dashboard:
- The Activity per Month widget is a trend report chart that shows the number of activities per specific date range .
- The Activity per Type widget is a donut chart that shows the percent of activities per type.
- The Activity per User widget is a bar chart that shows the number of activities and types per user.
Activity Log Detail
The Activity Log Detail dashboard shows a detailed report for all activities per month of a selected year. The dashboard includes information such as the activity type, activity log ID, user, start time, end time, man hours, activity sub unit, and activity quantity.
- Total Activity
- Total Man Hours
- Activity Type
- Date Range
- MSCM Activity Module
- MSCM Delivery Location Name
- MSCM Receiving Location Name
- MSCM User
Activity Type
The Activity Type dashboard shows the high-level view and trend of the types of activities for a specific year.
- Total Activity
- Total Man Hours
- Activity Type
- Date Range
- MSCM Activity Module
- MSCM User
- RankFilter
Clicking the chart of each widget redirects you to the Activity Type Detail dashboard.
- The Activity Type per Month widget is a column chart that shows the number of activities per month per activity type.
- The Activity Type Man Hours per Month widget is a column chart that shows the man hours per month per activity type.
- The Top Activity Count widget is a column chart that shows the top number of activities per activity type.
- The Top Activity Man Hours widget is a column chart that displays the top man hours per activity type.
Activity Type Detail
Activity Type Detail dashboard shows a detailed report for all activities per activity type. The dashboard includes information such as user, MSCM receiving location code, MSCM delivery location name, activity log ID, start time, end time, man hours, and activity count.
- Activity Type
- Date Range
- MSCM Activity Module
- MSCM Delivery Location Name
- MSCM Receiving Location Name
- MSCM User
User Productivity
The User Productivity dashboard has a chart and detailed report that shows the performance for each user.
- Total Activity
- Average Man Hours per Activity
- Activity Type
- Date Range
- MSCM Activity Module
- MSCM User
- RankFilter
- The User Productivity widget is a bar chart that shows the number of activities per activity type for each user.
- The User Productivity Detail widget shows a detailed report of the user’s productivity. The widget shows user, activity type, activity log ID, start time, end time, man hours, and activity quantity.
User Activity
The User Activity dashboard is a graphical representation of the number of activities for each user.
- Total Activity
- Average Activity per User
- Number of Users
- Total Man Hours
- Average Activity per Hour
- Activity Type
- Date Range
- MSCM Activity Module
- MSCM User
- RankFilter
Clicking the chart in any of the widgets redirects you to the User Activity Detail dashboard.
- The User Man Hours per Month widget is a line chart that displays the user man hours per month.
- The Top User by Man Hours widget is a column chart that shows the top user by man hours.
- The Top User by Activity widget is a column chart that shows the top user by activity.
User Activity Detail
The User Activity Detail dashboard shows a detailed report for all activities per User ID. The dashboard includes information such as user, activity type, MSCM delivery location name, MSCM receiving location name, activity log ID, start time, end time, man hours, and activity count.
- Total Activity
- Total Man Hours
- Activity Type
- Date Range
- MSCM Activity Module
- MSCM Delivery Location Name
- MSCM Receiving Location Name
- MSCM User