MSCM - Point of Use for Nursing dashboards and reports
Chargeable Items
The Chargeable Items dashboard lists all items per supply location and revenue center that are flagged as chargeable both in MSCM Revenue Center and in CSF Par Location Item.
The filters used for slicing data are:
- Company
- MSCM Supply Location Name
- POU Revenue Center Code
Charges by Operator
The Charges by Operator dashboard shows all submitted pull and return transactions by each operator. The dashboard shows details such as the transaction date, the item pulled or returned, the quantity of the item, unit of measure, revenue center, company, and supply location.
The filters used for slicing data are:
- Company
- Date Range
- MSCM User
- MSCM Supply Location Name
- POU Revenue Center Code
Patient Charges
The Patient Charges dashboard shows all submitted charges and credits for each patient transaction. The dashboard shows details such as the visit number, charge date, transaction type which specifies if it is a charge or credit transaction, patient location, revenue center, supply location, the item used, quantity, unit of measure, patient price of the item, and the total.
The filters used for slicing data are:
- Company
- Date Range
- Item
- MSCM Supply Location Name
- POU Revenue Center Code
Pull and Return Activities
The Pull and Return Activities dashboard shows an overview of all pull and return transactions submitted per day and the quantity pulled or returned for each item per supply location.
The dashboard has three KPIs:
- Total Pull – count of all pull transactions that were submitted for the given period
- Total Return – count of all return transactions that were submitted for the given period
- Total Pulled Quantity – quantity of all items pulled less the quantity of items that were returned to the supply locations for the given period
The filters used for slicing data are:
- Company
- Date Range
- Item
- MSCM Supply Location Name
- POU Facility
- POU Revenue Center Code
This dashboard has these widgets:
- The Pull and Return Activities widget is a trend report chart that shows the number of pull and return activities per day for the selected date range.
- The Pulled and Returned Quantity per Supply Location widget is a bar chart that shows the total quantity of items pulled from each supply location and the total quantity of items returned to each supply location. It gives users a quick comparison of the most utilized supply locations in the company. The supply locations are ranked by the total pulled quantity.
- The Pulled and Returned Quantity per Item widget is a bar chart showing the top items with most quantity used. It shows the total pulled and returned quantity per item. The items are ranked by the total pulled quantity.
All widgets jump to Pull and Return Activities Detail if user wants to see a detailed view of the transactions.
Pull and Return Activities Detail
The Pull and Return Activities Detail dashboard is a detailed view of all the pull and return activities submitted for the specified date range. The dashboard shows the company, supply location, item pulled or returned, revenue center, facility, charge date, operator, and identifier if the transaction is a patient or floor charge, and the quantity of the item pulled or returned.