Purchasing dashboards and reports
There are several Purchasing reports that are available on the dashboards for Purchasing Manager.
All detail reports with hierarchy are collapsed to show the highest level only. To view more details, click to expand.
Buyer Expediting Report - Open Purchase Orders and Open PO Lines
The Buyer Expediting Report - Open Purchase Orders and Open PO Lines was created to show any PO lines that remain open which keeps purchase orders from closing.
To close purchase orders, a PO Line must be:
- Fully received and invoiced
- Partially received, partially invoiced and/or any remaining quantities canceled
- The line is fully canceled where there is no receipt or invoice
For a Purchase Order header to close, all lines must be closed or canceled. After the total closed and canceled lines equal the number of PO Lines, the PO Header can close. When the Close Purchase Order Headers is run, the process is complete.
Buyer Messages
- Manual Buyer Messages by Status is a stacked bar chart that shows
manual buyer messages by their status.
This list shows filters for slicing the data:
- Date Range
- Buyer
- Ship To Location
- Vendor
- PO Number
- Receiving Buyer Messages by Status is a stacked bar chart that
shows receiving buyer messages by their status.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Date Range
- Buyer
- Ship To Location
- Vendor
- PO Number
- Buyer Message Detail shows details about the unreleased Buyer
Messages: the date, Buyer, PO, Receipt, document, and Ship To location.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Buyer
- Company
- Date Range
- PO Number
- Ship To Location
- Vendor
Buyer Performance
This list shows the KPIs on the dashboard:
- Total PO Line Amount - shows the Total PO Line Amount filtered by
the query used on the dashboard. By default, the Total PO Line Amount for the current
period range is displayed. That is, on December 20 you see all the activity from December
1- December 20.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Company
- Buyer Name
- Vendor
- Manufacturer Code
- Manufacturer Division
- Date Range
- PO Count - shows the cumulative count of all Purchase Orders created within the date range and other attributes selected in the filters.
- PO Line Count - shows the cumulative count of PO Lines created within the date range and other attributes queried.
- Average PO Line Value -
- Open PO Lines - shows the count of PO Lines remaining open for all buyers created within the date range of the query.
This list shows the reports on the dashboard:
- Total Product by Buyer is a ranked bar chart that shows the total product amount purchased by Buyer, high to low. Use the filter attributes on the dashboard to slice the data. Click the report to drill across to the Purchase Order Headers report.
- POs by Buyer is a ranked bar chart that shows PO Count by Buyer, high to low. Use the filter attributes on the dashboard to slice the data. Click the report to drill across to the Purchase Order Headers report.
- PO Lines by Buyer shows the count of PO Lines by Buyer high to low, over the date range queried. Use the filter attributes on the dashboard to slice the data. Click the report to drill across to the PO Lines report.
- Open POs by Buyer is a ranked bar chart that shows the Open PO Count by Buyer. Open POs are either unreceived, unmatched, or both. Use the filter attributes on the dashboard to slice the data. Click the report to drill across to the Buyer Expediting report.
- Open PO Lines by Buyer is a ranked bar chart that shows the count of Open PO Lines by Buyer high to low, over the date range in the query. Open PO Lines are either unreceived, unmatched, or both. Use the filter attributes on the dashboard to slice the data. Click the report to drill across to the Buyer Expediting report.
Delinquent Orders
- On Time Delivery is a trend chart that shows the recent activity of PO Lines Received Late (after the early delivery date on the line) versus PO Lines Received overall in the same date range.
- Delinquent POs shows a list of Purchase Order Lines that were
received late. The report is configured to show PO lines 5 days or more late, you can
change that range when you edit the report if you like. Details such as the Early Delivery
Date and actual Receipt Date are included as well as the Item, Vendor it came from, Buyer
who ordered the product, days late, etc. are included.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Vendor
- PO Number
- Item
- Ship To Location
- Company
- Date Range
Performance - Actuals
The Actuals dashboard combines data from both Purchasing and Payables processes.
The measurements are based on the Perfect Order principles, however these reports show the actual values that is used to calculate the percentages on the Performance - Metrics dashboard. Leaving the Vendor filter blank or unfiltered displays the values for all vendor performance across the enterprise. Selecting a single vendor highlights their activity in particular.
- Invoice Amount by Contracted Send Type shows the total distribution amount for this vendor sliced by spend category detail. All spend categories such as on/off/non-contract invoice debits, credits, tax type debits and credits, expense debits, and credits are included. This report drills across to the PO Distribution report which shows the account string for the spend distributions here.
- Lines by Contracted Spend Type is a line/trend chart that shows the
number of invoice lines for that vendor by contracted spend type over the date range
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Date Range
- Vendor
- Contract
- Item
- Spend Category Detail
- Company
- Contract Group
- Contract Type.
Performance - Metrics
The Performance dashboards are scorecards based on the SMMI Perfect Order metrics used to measure how a vendor performs.
This list shows the reports on the dashboard:
- The Perfect Order Metrics chart has a column that corresponds with
each column in the Performance Period Over Period report on the
dashboard. Each column represents the summary value for that column over the periods in
the report.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Date Range
- Vendor
- Company
- Buyer Name.
To remove specific columns on the chart, click the corresponding colored bubble in the legend.
- Performance Period over Period is a detailed look at a vendor's
performance in a variety of criteria, period over period, with an overall summary score
which is reflected in the Perfect Order Metrics chart.
The goal is to see all processes run smoothly over and over again and evaluate how smoothly things run on the average. These criteria provide decision support for vendor negotiations. Each criteria is given a score from 0 to 100% based on the count of activities in a category each period. This score become the metrics against which we measure performance. Each metric is considered a KPI which is used to analyze ordering, receiving, invoicing, and payment processes for an individual vendor.
This list shows the criteria the metrics are based on:
- POs that are transmitted through EDI
- Orders that are received on time
- Orders delivered at the correct location
- Undamaged orders
- Completed shipping
- Electronic Invoice
- Electronic Payment
- Payment on Time
- Payment in Full
- Value of orders that are On Contract
- PO Lines that are On Contract
PO Distributions
PO Distributions shows the expense distribution information for Purchase Orders. This report is accessible when you drill from several report and charts in the purchasing area to get to this specific account information. Attribute filters embedded along the top of the dashboard allow users to further refine or slice the data using transaction attributes. For example, the specific Invoice or PO, the originating Requisition, Requesting Location, Ship To Location, Item, Item Type, Accounting Entity, Company, Fin Dimensions 1- 4, Vendor, Item, Item Type, UOM, Contract, or Spend Category Details.
PO Headers
PO Headers shows a list of purchase orders by date. The details include Buyer, PO Number, Vendor, Ship to Loc, Issue Method, PO Status, Total Product Amount, Tax Amount, Taxable Amount and Percent On and Percent Off Contract.
Click the link in the PO Number field drills across to Purchase Order Lines which then shows the lines for the Purchase Order drilled on.
You can click the Vendor field and the link will drill across to PO Lines, but this drill from the Vendor field lists PO lines for the vendor clicked and the other filters selected on the dashboard.
This list shows the filters used to slice data
- Vendor
- Company
- Buyer Name
- Date Range
- PO Number
- PO Status
- Ship To Location
PO Lines
PO Lines shows details on PO lines such as Buyer and Vendor, along with the transaction attributes from processing and source information. It is a destination for drills from other content in purchasing area: Buyer Performance, PO Headers, and so on.
The PO Nbr column has a hyperlink which opens the document management application (IDM) and return the search results for the Company and Purchase Order value on the record.
This list shows the filters used to slice data
- Buyer name
- Company
- Contract
- Item
- PO Line Number
- PO Number
- Spend Category
- Vendor
- Date Range
PO Non Stock
The PO Non Stock dashboard shows information about non stock purchasing.
PO Non Stock - Line Count is a columnar report listing details of Non Stock purchases including the expense distributions on the PO Line.
- Company
- Vendor
- Buyer
- Item
PO Receipt Lines
PO Receipt Lines shows a detailed report that lists purchase order receipt lines. It shows year/month, ship to location, buyer name, PO number, vendor number, vendor name, item number, item description, item type, on order quantity, receipt line count, receipt quantity, quantity shipped complete, quantity received on time, received quantity, PO lines to correct location, received late, received on time, lines not shipped complete, and unmatched PO line count.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Company
- Buyer
- Contract
- Item
- PO Line and PO Number
- Process Level
- Ship to Location
- Vendor
PO Spend
The PO Spend dashboard shows a summary of Spend activities in the Purchasing area sliced by the Vendors most often used.
This list shows the KPIs on the dashboard:
- POLine Extended Amount
- On Contract Spend
- Off Contract Spend
- No Contract Spend
The default perspective of the dashboard is to display activity in the current month. When you specify date ranges or a specific vendor. the KPI values and all reports also reflects those query selections.
This list shows the reports on the dashboard:
- Purchasing Velocity shows a summary of frequently purchased items ranked by the amount spent. You can click the item to drill to the Purchasing Velocity Detail dashboard for more information.
- Purchase History by Vendor shows Vendor purchase history. The report shows the details of the Purchase Order such as the Item, Quantity, Contract, Unit cost, and Total cost.
- Top10 Vendors - Off Contract Spend ranks the top 10 Vendors by Total Amount spent that is Off Contract.
- Top Vendor Spend ranks the top 10 Vendors by the total Purchase
Order Amount.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Company
- Date Range
- Item
- Manufacturer Code
- Vendor
Purchasing Velocity Detail
Purchasing Velocity Detail shows more information to support the purchasing velocity report.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Buyer Name
- Company
- Contract
- Date Range
- Item
- PO Number
- Requester Name
- Requesting Location
- Vendor
POs by Delivery Date
POs by Delivery Date shows a list of PO lines with purchasing detail in Early Delivery Date order. Click the link on the PO number to drill back to the application to view the purchase order.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Company
- Contract
- Critical Item
- Date Range
- Item
- PO
- Ship To Location
- Vendor
Spend Overview
This list shows the KPIs on the dashboard:
- Total Spend is the measure Invoice Extended Amount from the Payables Invoice Distribution subject area. The Spend or Invoiced Amount is based on the query parameters or filter selections on the right hand side of the Price Parity dashboard. The default settings display invoice activity for the current period, that is Month Start Date to Current Date. Invoice Extended Amount can be sliced by Vendor, Item, Manufacturer Code and Division. Company or PPE changes the value displayed in this KPI based on invoice activity during this period.
- Match Cost Variance shows the sum total of Invoice cost variances between the PO Unit Cost and the Invoice Unit cost of an item. The total Match Cost Variance is summarized within the query parameters set on the dashboard filters. By default, the results show the current month to date summary.
- On Contract Spend shows the total value of invoices within the
query parameters that is used contract pricing.
This list shows the attributes you can use to filter the KPI value:
- Date Range
- Item
- Item Type
- Vendor
- Manufacturer
- Mfr Division
- Company
- Critical Item
Click the KPI to drill across to the On Contract Spend dashboard.
- Off Contract Spend shows the total value of invoices within the
query parameters that had a contract price available but was not used.
This list shows the attributes you can use to filter the KPI value:
- Date Range
- Item
- Vendor
- Manufacturer
- Mfr Division
- Company
- Critical Item
Click the KPI to drill across to the Off Contract Spend dashboard.
- No Contract Spend shows the total value of invoices within the
query parameters that did not have contract pricing in the system.
This list shows the attributes you can use to filter the KPI value:
- Date Range
- Item
- Vendor
- Manufacturer
- Mfr Division
- Company
- Critical Item
Click the KPI to drill across to the Non Contract Lines dashboard.
- Top 10 Vendor Spend is a colored tree chart that shows the size of
spend per Vendor. The larger the rectangle, the larger the spend. You can make a value
comparison between the top 10 places you have spent within the date range and filters
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Date Range
- Item
- Item Type
- Vendor
- Manufacturer Code
- Company
- Critical Item
- The Price Parity Summary report is used to find potential savings
opportunities. Items are listed by UOM and the potential savings amount, high to low,
along with the quantity purchased and the invoiced amount of the item. You can see the
same item more than once in the list if it has been invoiced in multiple UOMs.
Next we include the minimum and the maximum unit cost for the item and a contract price within the date range/filters selected on the dashboard if one exists. The difference between the Min and Max unit costs are shown as the Min/Max Variance.
Potential Savings is a calculation derived by finding the difference between minimum and maximum costs of the item and multiplying that difference against the quantities purchased higher than min cost.
For example, when an item is purchased at different prices:
The Potential Savings is calculated by:
(Total Actual Cost) - (Total Quantity * Minimum Cost)
(850) - (10 * 75.00) = 100
To see the purchases and invoices that creates this summary of item spend, click the item and drill into Price Parity Vendor Detail.
Parity Detail
Price Parity Vendor Detail supports the Price Parity Summary report by showing the invoiced amounts by Vendor and unit cost for the item you clicked on in the summary report. Potential savings are shown with the quantity, minimum, and maximum unit costs. The variance between minimum and maximum unit cost is included.
Potential Savings is a calculation derived by finding the difference between minimum and maximum costs of the item and then multiplying that difference against the quantities purchased higher than min cost.
For example, an item was purchased twice:
The Potential Savings is calculated by:
(Total Actual Cost) - (Total Quantity * Minimum Cost)
(850) - (10 * 75.00) = 100
POS by Delivery Date
The Purchase Orders by Delivery Date is a detailed report which shows a list of Purchase Order lines that provides a view into the quantity, open order quantity, PO lines unreceived, and receipt quantity of the items. The report consists of early delivery date, item number, item description, vendor long name, company, PO number, and line number.
- Company
- Contract
- Critical Item
- Date Range
- Item
- Item Type
- Personal Protective Equipment
- PO Number
- Ship To Location
- Vendor Long Name