Customer Order Line
Analyze by Dates:
- Cancelled Date
- Order Date
Measure | Source and/or calculation |
COL Cancel Quantity | CancelQuantity |
COL Commission Rate 1 | CommissionRate1 |
COL Commission Rate 2 | CommissionRate2 |
COL Commission Split Percentage | CommissionSplitPercentage |
COL Customs Total | CustomsTotal |
COL Derived Tax Total | DerivedTaxTotal |
COL Discount Amount Currency |
IF DiscountAmountCurrency <> NULL THEN COL Discount Amount Currency = DiscountAmountCurrency ELSE COL Discount Amount Currency = 0.0 |
COL Discount Taken | DiscountTaken |
COL Entered Discount | EnteredDiscount |
COL Entered Price | EnteredPrice |
COL Freight Total | FreightTotal |
COL Gross Amount Base | (Order Quantity * Sell Price Currency) * Currency Rate |
COL Insurance Total | InsuranceTotal |
COL Invoice Quantity | InvoiceQuantity |
COL Line Booked Quantity | BookedQuantity |
COL Line Total | LineTotal |
COL Net Amount Base | ((Order Quantity * Sell Price Currency) Discount Amount Currency Entered Discount) * Currency Rate |
COL Order Quantity |
IF OrderQuantity <> NULL THEN COL Order Quantity = OrderQuantity ELSE COL Order Quantity = 0.0 |
COL Other Add On Charges Total | OtherAddOnChargesTotal |
COL Returned Quantity | ReturnedQuantity |
COL Sell Price Currency |
IF SellPriceCurrency <> NULL THEN COL Sell Price Currency = SellPriceCurrency ELSE COL Sell Price Currency = 0.0 |
COL Sell Price To Stock | SellPriceToStock |
COL Sell To Stock | SellToStock |
COL Sell Unit Price | SellUnitPrice |
COL Shipped Quantity | ShippedQuantity |
COL Supplementary Quantity | SupplementaryQuantity |
COL Taxable Amount Currency | TaxableAmountCurrency |
COL Unit Cost | UnitCost |
COL Unit Price | UnitPrice |
Override Taxable | OverrideTaxable |