Customer Order Line

Customer Order Line

Analyze by Dates:
  • Cancelled Date
  • Order Date
Measure Source and/or calculation
COL Cancel Quantity CancelQuantity
COL Commission Rate 1 CommissionRate1
COL Commission Rate 2 CommissionRate2
COL Commission Split Percentage CommissionSplitPercentage
COL Customs Total CustomsTotal
COL Derived Tax Total DerivedTaxTotal
COL Discount Amount Currency

IF DiscountAmountCurrency <> NULL

THEN COL Discount Amount Currency = DiscountAmountCurrency

ELSE COL Discount Amount Currency = 0.0

COL Discount Taken DiscountTaken
COL Entered Discount EnteredDiscount
COL Entered Price EnteredPrice
COL Freight Total FreightTotal
COL Gross Amount Base (Order Quantity * Sell Price Currency) * Currency Rate
COL Insurance Total InsuranceTotal
COL Invoice Quantity InvoiceQuantity
COL Line Booked Quantity BookedQuantity
COL Line Total LineTotal
COL Net Amount Base ((Order Quantity * Sell Price Currency) Discount Amount Currency Entered Discount) * Currency Rate
COL Order Quantity

IF OrderQuantity <> NULL

THEN COL Order Quantity = OrderQuantity

ELSE COL Order Quantity = 0.0

COL Other Add On Charges Total OtherAddOnChargesTotal
COL Returned Quantity ReturnedQuantity
COL Sell Price Currency

IF SellPriceCurrency <> NULL

THEN COL Sell Price Currency = SellPriceCurrency

ELSE COL Sell Price Currency = 0.0

COL Sell Price To Stock SellPriceToStock
COL Sell To Stock SellToStock
COL Sell Unit Price SellUnitPrice
COL Shipped Quantity ShippedQuantity
COL Supplementary Quantity SupplementaryQuantity
COL Taxable Amount Currency TaxableAmountCurrency
COL Unit Cost UnitCost
COL Unit Price UnitPrice
Override Taxable OverrideTaxable