Requisition Measures
Source: Requisition Line
Analyze By Date: Create Date
Measure | Source and/or calculation |
AOC Total | Sum AOCAmount |
Days From Req Approval To PO Creation | Days span between Requisition Approval Date and PO Creation |
Days From Req Creation To Approval | Days span between Requisition creation and requisition approval |
Entered UOM Multiplier | EnteredUOMMultiplier |
Killed Line Count | Distinct Line Count where KilledQuantity = Quantity |
Killed Quantity | KilledQuantity |
Killed Value | KilledQuantity * Requisition Line.Unit Cost |
Lines to Sourcing Count | Distinct line count where Sourcing Event Required = Y |
Lines to Sourcing Value | IF SourcingEventRequired= Y THEN (Quantity) * (UnitCost) |
On Contract Value | IF ContractKey <> NULL OR CostCode = Punchout THEN EnteredQuantity * EnteredUnitCost |