Match Detail

Match Detail

Analyze by Dates:

  • Create Date
  • Distribution Date
  • Invoice Date
  • Match Update Date
  • Purchase Order Date
Measure Source and/or calculation
PID Accrued Tax Amount AccruedTaxAmount
PID Chargeback Match Amount (MatchedQuantity * MatchUnitCost) of related chargeback record
PID Chargeback Match Unit Cost MatchUnitCost of related chargeback record
PID Contract Cost IF Contract is populated on related PO Line THEN PurchaseOrderLine.EnteredUnitCost
PID Contract Line Base Cost BaseCost
PID Discount Rate DiscountRate
PID Entered Quantity EnteredQuantity
PID Entered Unit Cost EnteredUnitCost
PID Entered UOM Multiplier EnteredUOMMultiplier
PID Extended Match Amount MatchedQuantity * MatchUnitCost
PID Invoice Extended Amount EnteredQuantity * EnteredUnitCost
PID Invoiced Tax Amount InvoicedTaxAmount
PID Late Receipt Duration IF PO receipt was released after the invoice was created THEN days between Invoice.CreateDate and ReceiptLine.UpdateDate
PID Match Cost Variance

IF ItemType <> Service

OR ServiceCode = Quantity THEN

For Service Contract Invoices:

(MatchedQuantity * MatchUnitCost) - (MatchedQuantity * ContractLine.MatchBaseCost)

For Purchase Order Match Invoices:

(MatchedQuantity * MatchUnitCost) - (MatchedQuantity * POLineAttributes.EnteredUnitCost)

Note: Chargebacks (Suffix = 111) are using calculation of: (MatchedQuantity * MatchUnitCost)
PID Match Cost Variance Percent

IF ItemType <> Service

OR ServiceCode = Quantity THEN

For Service Contract Invoices:

((MatchedQuantity * MatchUnitCost) - (MatchedQuantity * ContractLine.MatchBaseCost)) / (MatchedQuantity * ContractLine.MatchBaseCost)

Chargebacks (Suffix = 111):

(MatchedQuantity * MatchUnitCost) / (MatchedQuantity * ContractLine.MatchBaseCost)

For Purchase Order Match Invoices:

((MatchedQuantity * MatchUnitCost) - (MatchedQuantity * POLineAttributes.EnteredUnitCost)) / (MatchedQuantity * POLineAttributes.EnteredUnitCost)

Chargebacks (Suffix = 111):

(MatchedQuantity * MatchUnitCost) / (MatchedQuantity * POLineAttributes.EnteredUnitCost)

PID Match Total Cost MatchedQuantity * MatchUnitCost
PID Match Unit Cost MatchUnitCost
PID Matched Quantity MatchedQuantity
PID Net Match Amount (MatchedQuantity * MatchUnitCost) of detail records + any related chargeback
PID Net Match Cost Variance Match Cost Variance of detail records + any related chargeback
PID Net Match Cost Variance Percent Match Cost Variance Percent of detail records + any related chargeback
PID Net Match Unit Cost MatchUnitCost of detail records + any related chargeback
PID No Contract Line Count

Count IF ContractKey = NULL AND CostCode

<> Punchout AND ItemOnContract = false

PID No Contract Quantity

IF ContractKey = NULL AND CostCode <> Punchout AND ItemOnContract = false

THEN EnteredQuantity

PID No Contract Value

IF ContractKey = NULL AND CostCode <> Punchout AND ItemOnContract = false

THEN EnteredQuantity * EnteredUnitCost

PID Off Contract Line Count Count IF ContractKey = NULL AND CostCode <> Punchout AND ItemOnContract = true
PID Off Contract Quantity

IF ContractKey = NULL AND CostCode <> Punchout AND ItemOnContract = true

THEN EnteredQuantity

PID Off Contract Value

IF ContractKey = NULL AND CostCode <> Punchout AND ItemOnContract = true

THEN EnteredQuantity * EnteredUnitCost

PID On Contract Line Count Count IF ContractKey <> NULL OR CostCode = Punchout
PID On Contract Quantity IF ContractKey <> NULL OR CostCode = Punchout THEN EnteredQuantity
PID On Contract Value IF ContractKey <> NULL OR CostCode = Punchout THEN EnteredQuantity * EnteredUnitCost
PID Payables Invoice Detail Cost PayablesInvoiceDetail record count
PID Tax Amount TaxAmount
PID Taxable Unit Cost TaxableUnitCost
PID Total Base Amount TotalBaseAmount
PID Total Contract Matched Cost MatchedQuantity * ContractLine.DerivedMatchBaseCost
PID Total Distribution Amount TotalDistributionAmount
PID Total PO Matched Cost MatchedQuantity * PurchaseOrderLine.EnteredUnitCost
PID Vendor Buy UOM Multiplier VendorBuyUOMMultiplier
PID Vendor Price UOM Multiplier VendorPriceUOMMultiplier