Customer Order Return Line
Analyze by Dates: Date
Measure | Source and/or calculation |
CRL Average Cost | AverageCost |
CRL Base Price | BasePrice |
CRL Customs Total | CustomsTotal |
CRL Detail Quantity | DetailQuantity |
CRL Entered Price | EnteredPrice |
CRL Entered Unit Cost | EnteredUnitCost |
CRL Freight Total | FreightTotal |
CRL Insurance Total | InsuranceTotal |
CRL Inventory Catch Weight Quantity | InventoryCatchWeightQuantity |
CRL Invoice Catch Weight Quantity | InvoiceCatchWeightQuantity |
CRL Other Add On Charges Total | OtherAddOnChargesTotal |
CRL Quantity | Quantity |
CRL Sell To Stock | SellToStock |
CRL Selling Price To Stock | SellingPriceToStock |
CRL Standard Cost | StandardCost |
CRL Stock On Hand Quantity | StockOnHandQuantity |
CRL Unit Cost | UnitCost |
CRL Unit Price | UnitPrice |