Lease Payment Period Balance

Lease Payment Period Balance

Analyze by Date: Payment Due Date

Measure Source and/or calculation
Discount Rate Lease.Discount Rate
Interest Rate Lease.Interest Rate
Lease Payment Period Balance LeasePaymentPeriodBalance
Lease Payment Period Balance Count COUNT of Period Balance for each lease key
Lease Term Lease.Lease Term
Period Balance Base Currency Rate Lease.Base Currency Rate
Period Balance Base Interest Amount InterestAmount
Period Balance Base Lease Expense LeaseExpense
Period Balance Base Liability Balance LiabilityBalance
Period Balance Base Payment Amount Amount
Period Balance Base Principal Amount PrincipalAmount
Period Balance Base ROU Balance ROUBalance
Period Balance Base ROU Reduction ROUReduction
Period Balance Base Running Payment Amount SUM of LeasePaymentPeriodBalance.Amount for all period for each lease key
Period Balance Count Payment Amount COUNT of LeasePaymentPeriodBalance.Amount
Period Balance Finance Lease Cost

IF Lease.LeaseClassification = Finance


ROUReduction + InterestAmount




IF ROUReduction <> NULL THEN ROUReduction ELSE 0.00

IF InterestAmount <> NULL THEN InterestAmount ELSE 0.00

Period Balance Interest Tax Amount InterestTaxAmount
Period Balance Operating Lease Cost

IF Lease.LeaseClassification = Operating AND Lease.LongTermOperatingLease


AdoptedLongTermOperatingLease = true




Period Balance Payment Number PaymentNumber
Period Balance Principal Tax Amount PrincipalTaxAmount
Period Balance Remaining Base Liability Balance MAX(LiabilityBalance)
Period Balance Remaining Payment Amount PeriodBalanceRemainingPaymentAmount = SUM of LeasePaymentPeriodBalanceAmount for all periods for each lease key
Period Balance Remaining Payment Amounts

Period Balance Remaining Payment Amounts = 1st period of lease: Sum Period Balance Running Payment Amount

Succeeding periods = Period Balance Total Payment Amount + Lease Payment Period Balance Amount

Period Balance Remaining Payment Months Period Balance Remaining Payment Months = SUM Count of Period Per Lease
Period Balance Running Interest Amount SUM of InterestAmount for all period for each lease key
Period Balance Running Lease Expense SUM of LeaseExpense for all period for each lease key
Period Balance Running Principal Amount SUM of PrincipalAmount for all period for each lease key
Period Balance Running ROU Balance SUM of ROUBalance for all period for each lease key
Period Balance Running ROU Reduction SUM of ROUReduction for all period for each lease key
Period Balance Straight Line Amount LeasePayment.StraightLineAmount
Period Balance Total Interest Amount SUM(Interest Amount)
Period Balance Total Liability Balance SUM(LiabilityBalance)
Period Balance Total Non Exec Payment Amount LeasePayment.TotalNonExecPaymentAmount
Period Balance Total Non Exec Payment Count LeasePayment.TotalNonExecPaymentCount
Period Balance Total Payment Amount LeasePayment.TotalPaymentAmounts
Period Balance Total Payment Amounts SUM(Amount)
Period Balance Total Principal Amount SUM(PrincipalAmount)
Period Balance Total ROU Balance SUM(ROUBalance)
Period Balance Total ROU Reduction SUM(ROUReduction)