Lease Payment Period Balance
Analyze by Date: Payment Due Date
Measure | Source and/or calculation |
Discount Rate | Lease.Discount Rate |
Interest Rate | Lease.Interest Rate |
Lease Payment Period Balance | LeasePaymentPeriodBalance |
Lease Payment Period Balance Count | COUNT of Period Balance for each lease key |
Lease Term | Lease.Lease Term |
Period Balance Base Currency Rate | Lease.Base Currency Rate |
Period Balance Base Interest Amount | InterestAmount |
Period Balance Base Lease Expense | LeaseExpense |
Period Balance Base Liability Balance | LiabilityBalance |
Period Balance Base Payment Amount | Amount |
Period Balance Base Principal Amount | PrincipalAmount |
Period Balance Base ROU Balance | ROUBalance |
Period Balance Base ROU Reduction | ROUReduction |
Period Balance Base Running Payment Amount | SUM of LeasePaymentPeriodBalance.Amount for all period for each lease key |
Period Balance Count Payment Amount | COUNT of LeasePaymentPeriodBalance.Amount |
Period Balance Finance Lease Cost |
IF Lease.LeaseClassification = Finance THEN ROUReduction + InterestAmount ELSE 0 Note:
IF ROUReduction <> NULL THEN ROUReduction ELSE 0.00 IF InterestAmount <> NULL THEN InterestAmount ELSE 0.00 |
Period Balance Interest Tax Amount | InterestTaxAmount |
Period Balance Operating Lease Cost |
IF Lease.LeaseClassification = Operating AND Lease.LongTermOperatingLease OR AdoptedLongTermOperatingLease = true THEN LeaseExpense ELSE 0 |
Period Balance Payment Number | PaymentNumber |
Period Balance Principal Tax Amount | PrincipalTaxAmount |
Period Balance Remaining Base Liability Balance | MAX(LiabilityBalance) |
Period Balance Remaining Payment Amount | PeriodBalanceRemainingPaymentAmount = SUM of LeasePaymentPeriodBalanceAmount for all periods for each lease key |
Period Balance Remaining Payment Amounts |
Period Balance Remaining Payment Amounts = 1st period of lease: Sum Period Balance Running Payment Amount Succeeding periods = Period Balance Total Payment Amount + Lease Payment Period Balance Amount |
Period Balance Remaining Payment Months | Period Balance Remaining Payment Months = SUM Count of Period Per Lease |
Period Balance Running Interest Amount | SUM of InterestAmount for all period for each lease key |
Period Balance Running Lease Expense | SUM of LeaseExpense for all period for each lease key |
Period Balance Running Principal Amount | SUM of PrincipalAmount for all period for each lease key |
Period Balance Running ROU Balance | SUM of ROUBalance for all period for each lease key |
Period Balance Running ROU Reduction | SUM of ROUReduction for all period for each lease key |
Period Balance Straight Line Amount | LeasePayment.StraightLineAmount |
Period Balance Total Interest Amount | SUM(Interest Amount) |
Period Balance Total Liability Balance | SUM(LiabilityBalance) |
Period Balance Total Non Exec Payment Amount | LeasePayment.TotalNonExecPaymentAmount |
Period Balance Total Non Exec Payment Count | LeasePayment.TotalNonExecPaymentCount |
Period Balance Total Payment Amount | LeasePayment.TotalPaymentAmounts |
Period Balance Total Payment Amounts | SUM(Amount) |
Period Balance Total Principal Amount | SUM(PrincipalAmount) |
Period Balance Total ROU Balance | SUM(ROUBalance) |
Period Balance Total ROU Reduction | SUM(ROUReduction) |