Purchasing Receiver dashboards and reports
Receiving Activity
- On Time Delivery shows the count of purchase order lines that were
received on time vs those that were received late. On Time delivery = Receipts on or
before the Early Delivery Date.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Ship To Location
- Company
- Vendor
- PO Number
- Item
- Fill Rate is a trend chart that shows the PO Line Quantity Ordered
vs Quantity Received over time.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Ship To Location
- Company
- Vendor
- PO
- Item
- On Order Quantity by Location is a pie chart that shows the
Unreceived quantity of Items sliced by Ship To Location.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Ship To Location
- Company
- Vendor
- PO
- Item
- Lines Not Shipped Complete compares PO Lines where the Ordered Quantity was received on one receipt vs PO Lines where the Ordered Quantity was received over multiple receipts The chart can be sliced by Ship To Location, Company, Vendor, PO and Item.
- PO Received vs Receipt Lines compares PO Lines received vs PO
Receipt Lines over time.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Ship To Location
- Company
- Vendor
- PO
- Item
- Unreceived and Unmatched PO Lines compares Unreceived PO Lines to
PO Lines that are Unmatched.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Ship To Location
- Company
- Vendor
- PO
- Item
Receipt Volume by Location
- Receipt Volume by Location is a tabular report that shows total receipt count, receipt line count, receipt quantity, awaiting inspection quantity, rejected quantity, purchase order lines received, unreceived and over received by Ship to Location, Company, and Date.
- This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Ship To Location
- Company
- Vendor
- PO Number
- Item
- Receipts by Location is a pie chart that shows the percent of
Receipt Headers by Location. Hover over the chart to show the Receipt Header count by
Location. By default, the volume of receiving activity across ship to locations for the
current period is shown.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Date Range
- Ship To Location
- Company
- Vendor
- PO Number
- Item
- On Time Delivery shows the count of purchase order lines that were
received on time vs those that were received late. On Time delivery = Receipts on or
before the Early Delivery Date.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Ship To Location
- Company
- Vendor
- PO Number
- Item
Returns per Vendor
The Returns per Vendor dashboard shows which vendors the company has most returns requested. The dashboard also shows the total count of returns for each vendor, the quantity of items being returned per month, and the top items being returned.
This list shows the KPIs:
- Total Return Line Extended Amount is the total dollar value of all items returned to vendors.
- Total Return Line Count is the total line count of all vendor return activities.
- Total Return Quantity is the total quantity of items returned to vendors.
This list shows the reports on the dashboard:
- The Top Return Count per Vendor report is a column chart that shows Top Vendors with the greatest number of return transactions. Ranking is set to Top 10 by default but can be changed through the Rank Filter dashboard filter.
- The Top Returned Items per Vendor report is a bar chart that shows top items returned categorized per vendor in terms of the total quantity of items being returned. Ranking is applied.
- The Monthly Return per Vendor report is a trend chart that shows
total quantity of items returned for each vendor.
Each chart is linked to the Returns per Vendor Detail dashboard. Click one of the charts on the dashboard to redirect you to the detail report to show the specific transactions shown summarized in each chart.
Returns per Vendor Detail
The Returns per Vendor Detail dashboard has a detailed report that shows all the vendor return transactions grouped by year/month and vendor.
The report also shows the return number, status, return reason, return lines, item, PO number if created from a purchase order, quantity of items returned, return cancel quantity, and the total value for each line.
Returned Items
The Returned Items dashboard shows top items that were returned to vendors based on the total quantity and total dollar value. Ranking is set to show top 10 by default but can be changed on the dashboard filter.
This list shows the KPIs:
- Total Return Line Extended Amount is the total dollar value of all items returned to vendors.
- Total Return Line Count is the total line count of all vendor return activities.
- Total Return Quantity is the total quantity of items returned to vendors
This list shows the reports on the dashboard:
- The Top Return Quantity per Item report shows top items returned to vendors in terms of the total quantity.
- The Top Return Line Extended Amount per Item report shows top items
returned to vendors in terms of the total dollar value
Each chart is linked to the Returned Item Detail dashboard where you can see the details of transactions that support the values in each chart.
Returned Item Detail
The Returned Item Detail dashboard contains a report listing the return transactions for each Item. The details included are item, vendor, return status, return reason, buyer, PO number, return number, line number, UOM, unit cost, quantity, total value, and cancel quantity.
Vendor Return Analysis
The Vendor Return Analysis dashboard is an overview of vendor return activities.
This list shows the KPIs:
- Average Return Value represents the average total dollar value of all returns.
- Total Return Line Extended Amount is the total dollar value of all items returned.
- Total Return Count is the total number of vendor return transactions.
- Total Return Quantity is the total quantity of items returned to vendors.
This list shows the reports on the dashboard:
- The Avg Monthly Return Value report shows the average of total dollar value of returns per vendor over year/month.
- The Return Count per Status report is a pie chart that shows the breakdown of returns by status. The report gives a quick preview of returns that have been settled vs those that are still open.
- The Top Average Return Value per Vendor report shows vendors with the highest average total dollar value of returns. The report has ranking which defaults to the top 10 but has values from top 100 to bottom 100.
- The Return Loss Cost report is the difference between item cost and credit received for the item’s return. Return loss cost is the difference between the goods value and credit received.
Each of these charts are linked to the Vendor Return Analysis Detail dashboard. Click the chart to redirect you to the supporting detail in the Vendor Return Analysis Detail dashboard.
Vendor Return Analysis Detail
The Vendor Return Analysis Detail dashboard has a report that lists vendor returns and the details for each. Details available are the return number, return date, PO number, return quantity, total return value, return credit received, and the return loss cost. From this dashboard, you can click the specific return number to see the returned item detail.
Vendor Return Reason
The Vendor Return Reason dashboard shows the total return lines and the total quantity of items returned broken down by the reason of the return.
This list shows the reports on the dashboard:
- The Return Line Count per Reason report is a pie chart that shows total lines of returns that shows percentage per return reason.
- The Return Reason per Vendor report is a bar chart that shows total lines of returns categorized by the return reason sliced by vendor.
The Return Reason per Item report is a bar chart that shows total lines of returns categorized by the return reason sliced by item.
Each chart is linked to the Vendor Return Reason Detail dashboard where you can see the specific transactions of the figures shown in each chart.
Vendor Return Reason Detail
The Vendor Return Reason Detail report that shows line detail of each return transaction grouped by return reason. Details shown are vendor, buyer, PO number, return number, return status, line number, item, unit cost, quantity, return value, and cancel quantity
Vendor Return Status
The Vendor Return Status dashboard provides a report that shows return status by vendors.
This list shows the KPIs:
- Total Return Count
- Total Return Quantity
- Total Return Value
This list shows the reports on the dashboard:
- The Return Status Count per Vendor report shows the total return count categorized by the return status sliced by vendor.
- The Monthly Return Status report shows a monthly count with the status to see if there are returns not yet closed for the past months.
Each chart is linked to the Vendor Return Status Detail dashboard where you can see specific transactions of the figures shown in each chart.
Vendor Return Status Detail
The Vendor Return Status Detail report shows a line detail of each return transaction grouped by return status. Details shown are vendor, buyer, PO number, return number, return reason, return value, credit received, return loss cost, and cancel quantity. From this dashboard, you can click the specific return number to see the returned item detail.
Vendor Information
The Vendor Information dashboard shows a detailed report that lists information for each vendor. The report shows vendor name, contact name, email address, vendor address, and phone number
Vendor Return Status
The Vendor Return Status Report is an operational report that shows every return created in the system with the header and line details.