Billing Invoice

Billing Invoice

Analyze by Dates: Invoice Date

Measure Source and/or calculation
BH Additional Discount Base Amount EnteredDiscount_BaseAmount_EnteredCurrencyAmount
BH Additional Discount Currency Amount EnteredDiscount_TransactionAmount
BH Additional Discount Currency Rate EnteredDiscount_BaseAmount_EnteredCurrencyRate
BH Billing Invoice Count UniqueID
BH Commission Rate 1 CommissionRate1
BH Commission Rate 2 CommissionRate2
BH Commission Split Percentage CommissionSplitPercentage
BH Currency Rate CurrencyRate
BH Customs Total CustomsTotal
BH Discount Base Amount OrderDiscount_BaseAmount_EnteredCurrencyAmount
BH Discount Currency Amount OrderDiscount_TransactionAmount
BH Discount Currency Rate OrderDiscount_BaseAmount_EnteredCurrencyRate
BH Discountable Discountable
BH Down Payment Base Amount CashInAdvance_BaseAmount_EnteredCurrencyAmount
BH Down Payment Currency Amount CashInAdvance_TransactionAmount
BH Down Payment Currency Rate CashInAdvance_BaseAmount_EnteredCurrencyRate
BH Electronic Payment Settlement Base Amount ElectronicPaymentSettlement_BaseAmount
BH Freight Charge Base Amount FreightCharge_BaseAmount_EnteredCurrencyAmount
BH Freight Charge Currency Amount FreightCharge_TransactionAmount
BH Freight Charge Currency Rate FreightCharge_BaseAmount_EnteredCurrencyRate
BH Freight Total FreightTotal
BH Gross Base Amount

IF Sum of BL Entered Price <> NULL

THEN BH Gross Base Amount = Total Inventory Goods Base Amount + Total Non Inventory Goods Base Amount + Sum(BL Entered Price) + Total Add On Base Amount + Freight Charge Base Amount

ELSE BH Gross Base Amount = Total Inventory Goods Base Amount + Total Non Inventory Goods Base Amount + Total Add On Base Amount + Freight Charge Base Amount

BH Insurance Total InsuranceTotal
BH Invoice Total Base Amount

IF Sum of BL Entered Price <> NULL

THEN BH Invoice Total Base Amount = Total Inventory Goods Base Amount + Total Non Inventory Goods Base Amount + Sum(BL Entered Price) + Total Add On Base Amount + Freight Charge Base Amount - Discount Base Amount - Additional Discount Base Amount + Tax Total Base Amount

ELSE BH Invoice Total Base Amount = Total Inventory Goods Base Amount + Total Non Inventory Goods Base Amount + Total Add On Base Amount + Freight Charge Base Amount - Discount Base Amount - Additional Discount Base Amount + Tax Total Base Amount

BH Minimum Margin MinimumMargin
BH Minimum Margin Percent MinimumMarginPercent
BH Open Order Amount OpenOrderAmount
BH Other Add On Charges Total OtherAddOnChargesTotal
BH Proforma Prepay Amount ProformaPrepayAmount
BH Tax Total Base Amount TaxTotal_BaseAmount_EnteredCurrencyAmount
BH Tax Total Currency Amount TaxTotal_TransactionAmount
BH Tax Total Currency Rate TaxTotal_BaseAmount_EnteredCurrencyRate
BH Taxable Base Amount DerivedTaxableTotal_BaseAmount
BH Taxable Total TaxableTotal
BH Terms Discount Base Amount TermsDiscount_BaseAmount_EnteredCurrencyAmount
BH Terms Discount Currency Amount TermsDiscount_TransactionAmount
BH Terms Discount Currency Rate TermsDiscount_BaseAmount_EnteredCurrencyRate
BH Total Add On Base Amount TotalAddOnBaseAmount
BH Total Goods Base Amount

IF Sum of BL Entered Price <> NULL

THEN BH Total Goods Base Amount = Total Inventory Goods Base Amount + Total Non Inventory Goods Base Amount + Sum(BL Entered Price)

ELSE BH Total Goods Base Amount = Total Inventory Goods Base Amount + Total Non Inventory Goods Base Amount

BH Total Inventory Goods Base Amount TotalInventoryGoodsBaseAmount
BH Total Non Inventory Goods Base Amount TotalNonInventoryGoodsBaseAmount
Line 1 Entered Price

IF Sum of Billing Invoice Line <> Null

THEN Line 1 Entered Price = Sum of BL Entered Price

ELSE Line 1 Entered Price=0

Released Invoice Count

IF BL Billing Invoice Status != 'Unreleased’ THEN Released Invoice Count = 1

ELSE Released Invoice Count = 0