Billing Invoice
Analyze by Dates: Invoice Date
Measure | Source and/or calculation |
BH Additional Discount Base Amount | EnteredDiscount_BaseAmount_EnteredCurrencyAmount |
BH Additional Discount Currency Amount | EnteredDiscount_TransactionAmount |
BH Additional Discount Currency Rate | EnteredDiscount_BaseAmount_EnteredCurrencyRate |
BH Billing Invoice Count | UniqueID |
BH Commission Rate 1 | CommissionRate1 |
BH Commission Rate 2 | CommissionRate2 |
BH Commission Split Percentage | CommissionSplitPercentage |
BH Currency Rate | CurrencyRate |
BH Customs Total | CustomsTotal |
BH Discount Base Amount | OrderDiscount_BaseAmount_EnteredCurrencyAmount |
BH Discount Currency Amount | OrderDiscount_TransactionAmount |
BH Discount Currency Rate | OrderDiscount_BaseAmount_EnteredCurrencyRate |
BH Discountable | Discountable |
BH Down Payment Base Amount | CashInAdvance_BaseAmount_EnteredCurrencyAmount |
BH Down Payment Currency Amount | CashInAdvance_TransactionAmount |
BH Down Payment Currency Rate | CashInAdvance_BaseAmount_EnteredCurrencyRate |
BH Electronic Payment Settlement Base Amount | ElectronicPaymentSettlement_BaseAmount |
BH Freight Charge Base Amount | FreightCharge_BaseAmount_EnteredCurrencyAmount |
BH Freight Charge Currency Amount | FreightCharge_TransactionAmount |
BH Freight Charge Currency Rate | FreightCharge_BaseAmount_EnteredCurrencyRate |
BH Freight Total | FreightTotal |
BH Gross Base Amount |
IF Sum of BL Entered Price <> NULL THEN BH Gross Base Amount = Total Inventory Goods Base Amount + Total Non Inventory Goods Base Amount + Sum(BL Entered Price) + Total Add On Base Amount + Freight Charge Base Amount ELSE BH Gross Base Amount = Total Inventory Goods Base Amount + Total Non Inventory Goods Base Amount + Total Add On Base Amount + Freight Charge Base Amount |
BH Insurance Total | InsuranceTotal |
BH Invoice Total Base Amount |
IF Sum of BL Entered Price <> NULL THEN BH Invoice Total Base Amount = Total Inventory Goods Base Amount + Total Non Inventory Goods Base Amount + Sum(BL Entered Price) + Total Add On Base Amount + Freight Charge Base Amount - Discount Base Amount - Additional Discount Base Amount + Tax Total Base Amount ELSE BH Invoice Total Base Amount = Total Inventory Goods Base Amount + Total Non Inventory Goods Base Amount + Total Add On Base Amount + Freight Charge Base Amount - Discount Base Amount - Additional Discount Base Amount + Tax Total Base Amount |
BH Minimum Margin | MinimumMargin |
BH Minimum Margin Percent | MinimumMarginPercent |
BH Open Order Amount | OpenOrderAmount |
BH Other Add On Charges | Total OtherAddOnChargesTotal |
BH Proforma Prepay Amount | ProformaPrepayAmount |
BH Tax Total Base Amount | TaxTotal_BaseAmount_EnteredCurrencyAmount |
BH Tax Total Currency Amount | TaxTotal_TransactionAmount |
BH Tax Total Currency Rate | TaxTotal_BaseAmount_EnteredCurrencyRate |
BH Taxable Base Amount | DerivedTaxableTotal_BaseAmount |
BH Taxable Total | TaxableTotal |
BH Terms Discount Base Amount | TermsDiscount_BaseAmount_EnteredCurrencyAmount |
BH Terms Discount Currency Amount | TermsDiscount_TransactionAmount |
BH Terms Discount Currency Rate | TermsDiscount_BaseAmount_EnteredCurrencyRate |
BH Total Add On Base Amount | TotalAddOnBaseAmount |
BH Total Goods Base Amount |
IF Sum of BL Entered Price <> NULL THEN BH Total Goods Base Amount = Total Inventory Goods Base Amount + Total Non Inventory Goods Base Amount + Sum(BL Entered Price) ELSE BH Total Goods Base Amount = Total Inventory Goods Base Amount + Total Non Inventory Goods Base Amount |
BH Total Inventory Goods Base Amount | TotalInventoryGoodsBaseAmount |
BH Total Non Inventory Goods Base Amount | TotalNonInventoryGoodsBaseAmount |
Line 1 Entered Price |
IF Sum of Billing Invoice Line <> Null THEN Line 1 Entered Price = Sum of BL Entered Price ELSE Line 1 Entered Price=0 |
Released Invoice Count |
IF BL Billing Invoice Status != 'Unreleased’ THEN Released Invoice Count = 1 ELSE Released Invoice Count = 0 |