Close Management dashboards and reports
Metric Analysis
This dashboard displays information around the start, due, and effort metric coming from the application. This information is analyzed by the close summary levels, the metric type itself, task owners, or task team owners with the supporting detail task data displaying at the bottom. The filters at the top control both the chart and the detail data at the bottom of the dashboard. The filters positioned above the detailed data only controls the detailed data report.
- Summary Level view – you can step down each level and select specific task rollups. This
means at level 1, you can filter to a specific task and then when clicking summary level
2, the results are filters to only summary tasks under the specified task set on level 1.
The chart displays the variance between the scheduled versus actual hours if the variance
- Zero - Scheduled = Actual (on target)
- Negative - Scheduled > Actual (early/less effort)
- Positive - Scheduled < Actual (late/more effort)
- Metric view – the chart displays the metric result of all detail tasks for the specified
period. If the color is:
- Emerald - result was on target
- Amber - result was early or less effort
- Ruby - result was late or more effort
- Owner view – the chart displays the metric result of all detail tasks for the specified
owner and period. If the color is:
- Emerald - result was on target
- Amber - result was early or less effort
- Ruby - result was late or more effort
- Team view – the chart displays the metric result of all detail tasks for the specified
team and period. If the color is:
- Emerald - Result was on target
- Amber - Result was early or less effort
- Ruby - Result was late or more effort
Days to Close Analysis
This dashboard displays how long the close process takes to complete. This information can be analyzed by period, summary task, or detail task with the supporting detail task data displaying at the bottom. The chart in all the views displays the scheduled days to close vs the actual days to close. The Actual Begin Date and Actual Due Date in the detail task report is being compared to the Scheduled Begin Date and Scheduled Due Date. If the color in the detail chart is emerald, the actual date is on target with the scheduled date. If the color is amber, the actual date is before the scheduled date. If the color is ruby, the actual date is after the scheduled date.