Payables Action

Payables Action

Analyze by Dates:

  • Invoice Date
  • Update Date
Measure Source and/or calculation
Payables Action Count Record count
Payables Action Duration Days Days between Update Date and Previous Update Date.
Note: The first action uses the invoice create date as Previous Update Date.
Payables Action Duration Hours Hours between Update Date and Previous Update Date.
Note: The first action uses the invoice create date as Previous Update Date.
Payables Invoice Accepted Count Count IF Action = Accepted
Payables Invoice Amended Count Count IF Action = Amended
Payables Invoice Approved Count Count IF Action = Approved
Payables Invoice Assigned Count Count IF Action = Assigned
Payables Invoice Auto Approved Count Count IF Action = AutoApproved
Payables Invoice Cancelled Count Count IF Action = Cancelled
Payables Invoice Disapproved Count Count IF Action = Disapproved
Payables Invoice Manually Approved Count Count IF Action = ManuallyApproved
Payables Invoice Manually Rejected Count Count IF Action = ManuallyRejected
Payables Invoice Matched Count Count IF Action = Matched
Payables Invoice Match Released Count Count IF Action = MatchReleased
Payables Invoice Pending Approver Count Count IF Action = PendingApprover
Payables Invoice Reassigned Count Count IF Action = Reassigned
Payables Invoice Rejected Count Count IF Action = Rejected
Payables Invoice Released Count Count IF Action = Released
Payables Invoice Requested Count Count IF Action = Requested
Payables Invoice Rerouted Count Count IF Action = Rerouted
Payables Invoice Restored Count Count IF Action = Restored
Payables Invoice Sent For Payment Count Count IF Action = SentForPayment
Payables Invoice Submitted Count Count IF Action = Submitted
Payables Invoice Total Approved Count Count IF Action = ManuallyApproved OR Approved
Payables Invoice Total Rejected Count Count IF Action = Rejected OR ManuallyRejected OR Rerouted
Payables Invoice Unmatched Count Count IF Action = Unmatched