Payables Manager dashboards and reports

The Payables Manager collection is laid out into three levels that is meant to highlight areas of concern and provide the details required to help identify root causes.
  • 1st level (a 50K foot view) drills to the 2nd level
  • 2nd level (a 10K foot view) drills to the 3rd level
  • 3rd level (a data detail view) drills back into the application invoice form

Users who have the PayablesManager_ST security role lands in the Highlights dashboard (50K foot view) which is meant to give an overview of what is going on in payables. If users see an area of concern, they must be able to drill to that area (10K foot view) to get more granular details. These dashboards have a rolling 12-month trend. Some KPIs have another drill that provides detailed data information (detail data view). Finally, if users require further information from the application, all invoice numbers on those dashboards have a hyperlink that opens the invoice form.


This landing page gives an overview of the Payables area status and defaults to the current month.

  • Discounts Lost Amt (KPI) drills to the Payment Statistics
  • Total Rejected (KPI) drills to Approval Cycle Deviation and includes rejected, manually rejected and rerouted counts
  • Avg Match Cost Variance (KPI) drills to Match Cost Variance
  • Avg Days to Approve Inv (KPI) drills to Invoice Action Duration
  • Full Approval Cycle Avg Days (KPI) drills to Invoice Approval Cycle Duration
  • Invoice Count by Match Invoice Process (donut) drills to Invoice Statistics
    • New attribute of Match Invoice Process which groups invoices into four buckets:
      • Expense Invoice
      • Match Invoice
      • Service Contract Invoice
      • AOC Invoice
  • Invoice Amount by Diversity (donut) drills to Vendor Diversity Statistics
  • Invoice Count by Clerk (pie) drills to Clerk Statistics
  • Match Message by Type (pyramid) drills to Match Message Statistics

Approval Cycle Deviation

This dashboard shows where an invoice did not follow the path that uses the update date as the analyze by date.

  • The trend shows the count of each action type
  • Rejected (KPI) counts the Reject action and drills to Rejected Detail
  • Manually Rejected (KPI) counts the Manually Reject action and drills to Manually Rejected Detail
  • Rerouted (KPI) counts the reroute action and drills to Rerouted Detail
  • Escalated (KPI) counts how many times an invoice was escalated and drills to Escalated Detail
  • Rejected Reason (bar) count of the Reject and Manually Reject actions by reason code
  • Escalated by Employee (donut) count of escalations by employee
  • Top 10 Rejected Routing Codes (tree map) top routing codes that were rejected
  • Top 10 Rejected by Clerk (tree map) top Clerks who had the most rejected invoices

Clerk Statistics

This dashboard shows an overview of invoice processed by clerk that uses the invoice create date as the analyze by date.

  • The trend shows invoice count by Clerk
  • Invoices by Process (bar) invoice count by match invoice process
  • Invoices by Status (bar) invoice count by invoice status
  • Invoices by Source (bar) invoice count by invoice source

Invoice Action Duration

This dashboard gives an overview of how many days it takes to perform an action that uses the update date as the analyze by date. The dashboard initially defaults to approved that shows how long it takes to approve an invoice in the approval cycle.

  • The trend shows the average and max days it took to perform the specified action compared to the target which can be populated in Duration Target and dynamically updates the chart
  • Top 10 Max Days by Employee (tree map) employees with the top duration days
  • Employee’s Action Duration (report) details each action and the duration in days by employee, routing code (if applicable), company, vendor and invoice
  • Top 5 Routing Codes by Max Action Duration (bar) top five max action duration days and the associated routing code

Invoice Approval Cycle Duration

This dashboard gives an overview of how many days an invoice is in the approval cycle and uses the approved time stamp as the analyze by date.

  • The trend shows the average and max days for both the approval cycle and full approval cycle compared to the target which can be populated in Duration Target and dynamically updates the chart
  • Top 5 Routing Codes by Max Days (funnel) top five routing code by max full approval cycle
  • Approval Cycle by Routing Code (report) details each approved invoice and the duration of both approval cycle metrics in days by routing code, company, and vendor approval cycle: last submit date to the approved date. Full approval cycle: first submit date to the approved date
  • Top 5 Routing Code Groups by Max Approval Cycle (tree map) routing code groups by top full approval cycle

Invoice Statistics

This dashboard gives an overview of the invoice analytics. Most widgets use the invoice create date as the analyze by date.

  • The trend chart offers 4 different views:
    • Invoice Count Only
    • Invoice Count by Process
    • Invoice Count by Invoice Source
    • Invoice Amount Only
  • Total Invoices (KPI) drills to Invoice Detail
  • Auto Approved (KPI) count of invoices either approved via the Approve Invoice action or auto approved via routing rule setup; uses approved timestamp and drills to Auto Approved Detail
  • Total Invoices LY (KPI) count of invoices for the prior year and does not drill
  • Inv Funct Amt (KPI) total functional amount and does not drill
  • Matched (KPI) percent of match and service contract invoices that have been matched (excluding cancelled invoices); uses match date and drills to Match Invoice Detail
  • Late Receipts (KPI) count of invoices where the purchase order receipt was released after the invoice create date; uses match date and drills to Late Receipt Detail
  • Invoices by Match Invoice Process (funnel) invoice count by match invoice process
  • Invoices by Source (donut) invoice count by invoice source
  • Invoices by Status (pie) invoice count by invoice status.

Match Cost Variance

This dashboard gives an overview of the cost variance for match and service contract invoices and uses the match date as the analyze by date. The trend, KPIs, and bar chart are netting invoices with chargebacks before the results are shown.

  • The trend shows the average and max variance compared to the target which can be populated in Tolerance Target and dynamically updates the chart. The view options are:
    • Purchase Order
    • Service Contract
  • Purchase Order Cost Variance (KPI) average and max percent, where invoices are netted against chargebacks before calculating max percent, and drills to Purchase Order Match Cost Variance Detail
  • Service Contract Cost Variance (KPI) average and max percent, where invoices are netted against chargebacks before calculating max percent, and drills to Service Contract Match Cost Variance Detail
  • Total Invoice Amount by Vendor (report) details the total cost variance amount and the highest cost variance percent for each invoice rolled up by invoice currency which rolls up to a total invoice functional amount by vendor – the tolerance target can be populated to dynamically update the matched within tolerance count and matched outside tolerance count
  • Top 10 Vendors by Cost Variance Percent (bar) top 10 max cost variance along with the average cost variance and associated vendor

Match Message Statistics

This dashboard gives an overview of invoice count and amount broken out by match message type.

  • The trend shows the count of each match message type
  • Count by Sub Type (bar) total count of each message type broken down by message sub-type
  • Top 10 Max Response Duration by Message Owner (tree map) top message owners who have the longest message response duration (days between message create date and respond date)
  • Top 10 Message Count by Buyer (bar) buyers with the most message counts by message type
  • Top 10 Message Count by Vendor (bar) vendors with the most message counts by message type

Payment Statistics

This dashboard gives an overview of the payment analytics. Most widgets use the check date as the analyze by date.

  • The trend chart offers 5 different views:
    • Discount Amt Taken vs Lost
    • Avg Days to Pay & Process
    • Payments by Type
    • Late Payment Count
    • Void Count
  • Late Payment Count (KPI) count of payments paid either after discount date (if discounted) or payments paid after due date and drills to Late Payment Detail
  • Discounts Amt Lost (KPI) drills to Discounts Lost Detail
  • Void Count (KPI) uses void date and drills to Void Detail
  • Discount Amt Taken (KPI) functional amount of discounts taken and does not drill
  • Void Amount (KPI) functional amount of void payments and does not drill
  • Discounts Captured (KPI) percent of discounts taken on discounted payments and does not drill
  • Payments by Bank Transaction Code (donut) payment count by bank transaction code
  • Discounts (waterfall) discount amount lost & taken by week ending
  • Avg Days to Pay & Avg Days to Process (spline) are days between invoice date & check date (pay) and days between create date and check date (process) shown by week ending

Vendor Diversity Statistics

This dashboard gives an overview of invoice count and amount broken out by vendor diversity codes.

  • The trend shows the invoice count of each type of diversity code
  • Match Inv Process by Amt (bar) invoice amount of each diversity code by match invoice process
  • Top 10 Vendors by Amt (tree map) vendors with the most spend and what diversity code they have assigned