Payables Invoice
Analyze by Dates:
- Approved Time Stamp
- Create Date
- Invoice Date
- Match Date
- Released Time Stamp
Measure | Source and/or calculation |
Amount Paid | AmountPaid |
API Discount Amount 1-3 | DiscountAmount1 – 3 |
API Discount Percent 1-3 | DiscountPercent1 – 3 |
API Match Amount | MatchAmount |
API Tax Amount | TaxAmount |
API Taxable Amount | TaxableAmount |
API Total Accrued Taxable Amount | PayablesInvoiceTax.TotalAccruedTaxableAmount |
API Total Accrued Tax Amount | PayablesInvoiceTax.TotalAccruedTaxAmount |
API Total Invoiced Taxable Amount | PayablesInvoiceTax.TotalInvoicedTaxableAmount |
API Total Invoiced Tax Amount | PayablesInvoiceTax.TotalInvoicedTaxAmount |
API Total Tax Amount | TotalTaxAmount |
API Total Taxable Amount | TotalTaxableAmount |
Customs Total | CustomsTotal |
Discount Currency Amount | DiscountCurrencyAmount |
Discount Functional Amount | DiscountFunctionalAmount |
Distribution Amount Functional Amount | DistributionAmount.FunctionalAmount |
Distribution Amount Project Total | DistributionAmount.ProjectTotal |
Distribution Amount Transaction Total | DistributionAmount.TransactionTotal |
Invoice Count | PayablesInvoice record count |
Invoice Currency Amount | InvoiceCurrencyAmount |
Invoice Functional Amount | InvoiceFunctionalAmount |
Invoiced Electronically Count | Count IF InvoiceSource = EDI |
Matched Add On Charge Amount | MatchedAddOnChargeAmount |
Open Invoice Amount | IF Status <> Cancelled OR Paid OR Historical THEN InvoiceAmount.CurrencyAmount |
Open Invoice Count | Count IF Status <> Cancelled, Paid or Historical |
Other Add On Charges Total | OtherAddOnChargesTotal |
Payables Invoice Approval Cycle Duration Days | Days between SubmittedTimeStamp and ApprovedTimeStamp |
Payables Invoice Approval Cycle Duration Hours | Hours between SubmittedTimeStamp and ApprovedTimeStamp |
Payables Invoice Days To Release Invoice Duration | Days between Create Date and Released Time Stamp |
Payables Invoice Full Approval Cycle Duration Days | Days between Original Submitted Date and ApprovedTimeStamp |
Payables Invoice Full Approval Cycle Duration Hours | Hours between Original Submitted Date and ApprovedTimeStamp |
Payables Invoice In Transit Duration | Days between InvoiceDate and CreateDate |
Payment Amount Functional Total | PaymentAmount.FunctionalTotal |
Payment Amount Project Total | PaymentAmount.ProjectTotal |
Payment Amount Transaction Total | PaymentAmount.TransactionTotal |
PO Tax Amount | POTaxAmount |
Retainage Amount | RetainageAmount |
Retainage Payment Amount | RetainagePaymentAmount |
Service Amount | ServiceAmount |