Order Entry dashboards and reports
Several reports are available on the dashboards for Order Entry.
All detail reports with hierarchy are collapsed to show the highest level only. To view more details, click to expand.
These dashboards are based on the Order Entry Subject area.
Canceled Customer Orders
This list shows the reports on the dashboard:
- The Orders Placed vs Orders Canceled by Sales Representative report shows orders canceled by sales representative.
- The Canceled Order QTY vs Customer Orders QTY by Month report shows the canceled order quantities by order over time.
- The Canceled Orders by Location report shows the number of canceled orders based on location.
- The Canceled Orders by Reason report shows the number of canceled orders by reason.
- The Canceled Orders by Month report shows canceled order trend month over month.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Company
- Customer
- Customer name
- Customer order inventory location
- Customer order source description
- Order type
- Year
- Year/month
Canceled Customer Order Detail
The Canceled Customer Order Detail dashboard has a report by the same name. The report includes customer status, order source, order type, tax details, inventory location, hold code, goods amount, total AOC amount, freight charge amount, open order amount, customs total, inventory goods amount, sales tax, tax total, and order totals.
Click the Customer Order number in the report to redirect you to the Customer Order Lines dashboard which shows supporting detail of the order clicked based on the filters selected.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Company
- Customer
- Customer name
- Customer Order
- Customer Order Cancel Credit Reason Code
- Customer order inventory location
- Customer order source description
- Order type
- Year
- Year/month
Customer Orders
The Customer Orders dashboard has reports that show summarized information about orders based on order source, description, aging bucket, and order type.
This list shows the reports on the dashboard:
- The Orders by Source report shows number of orders based on order source description.
- The Orders vs Returns by Month Compares report number of orders with number of returns based on year/month.
- The Orders by Type report shows number of orders based on order type.
- The Order Aging report shows number of orders based on aging bucket.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Backorder
- Bill Postal Country
- Company
- Customer
- Customer name
- Customer Order inventory location
- Customer Order Return Status
- Customer Order Ship To Country
- Customer Order source description
- Customer Order Status
- Customer Order Tax Status
- Order Type
- Year
- Year/month
Customer Order Detail
The Customer Order Details report shows the detailed report of customer order details which includes customer status, order source, order type, tax details, inventory location, hold code, goods amount, total addon charge amount, freight charge amount, entered discount, gross amount, net amount, open order amount, customs total, inventory, and non inventory goods amount
By clicking Customer Order number, you are redirected to Customer Order Lines dashboard which shows the detail report of customer order lines based on the filters selected.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Backorder
- Company
- Customer
- Customer name
- Customer Order
- Customer Order inventory location
- Customer Order source description
- Customer Order Status
- Order type
- Year
- Year/month
Customer Order Lines
The Customer Order Lines report shows the detailed report of Customer Order Lines which includes customer item, item type, line number, sales class type, tax details, gross amount, sell unit price, unit cost, unit price, shipped quantity, and order quantity.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Backorder
- Company
- Customer
- Customer name
- Customer Order
- Customer Order inventory location
- Customer Order Line Type
- Customer Order source description
- Customer Order Status
- Item Description
- Item Number
- Order type
- Year
- Year/month
Customer Order Return Details
The Customer Order Return Detail report shows the customer order return detail such as invoice number, reason code, status, freight charge, number of returns, and undecided count.
Click the Customer Order Return number in the report to redirect you to the Customer Order Return Line Details dashboard which shows the detail of return lines based on the filters selected.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Company
- Customer
- Customer name
- Customer Order Return
- Customer Order Return location
- Customer Return Reason
- Customer Order Return Status
- Order Entry Currency
- Year
- Year/month
Customer Order Return Line Detail
The Customer Order Return Line Detail report shows detailed information about customer order return lines. The report includes customer order, return, item, line type, reason code, customs total, detail quantity, entered price, entered unit cost, quantity, unit price, and unit cost
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Company
- Customer
- Customer name
- Customer Order Return
- Customer Order Return location
- Customer Order Return Reason
- Customer Order Return Status
- Item Description
- Item Number
- Line Return Reason
- Line Type
- Order Entry Currency
- Year
- Year/month
Item Analysis
The Item Analysis dashboard has these reports that show summarized information of item quantity, top returned quantity, and sales quantities.
This list shows the reports on the dashboard:
- The Item Quantity By Month report shows order quantity based on year/month.
- The Canceled Orders by Month report compares number of orders canceled against canceled quantity based on month.
- The Top Returned Items by Quantity report shows top returned item quantity per item.
- The Item Sales Quantity report shows sales quantity per item.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Company
- Customer
- Customer name
- Customer Order inventory location
- Customer Order source description
- Customer Order Status
- Customer Order Tax Status
- Item Description
- Item Number
- Order type
- Year
- Year/month
Order Analysis
The Order Analysis dashboard has reports that show the summary of goods amounts based on month, items ordered and compares the values.
This list shows the reports on the dashboard:
- The Order Breakdown by Month report compares entered payments, freight totals, insurance totals, customs totals, goods amounts, and order discounts.
- The Goods Amount by Month report shows the goods amount summarized by month.
- The Items by Order report is a detailed report of items ordered with the order number, quantity, unit price, customs total, freight total, insurance total, and discounts taken.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Backorder
- Bill Postal Country
- Company
- Customer
- Customer name
- Customer Order inventory location
- Customer Order Ship To Country
- Customer Order source description
- Customer Order Status
- Customer Order Tax Status
- Order type
- Year
- Year/month
Orders By Location
The Orders By location dashboard has reports that show summarized information of goods amount, entered discount, delivered tax total amount, and total add on charge amount based on inventory locations.
This list shows the reports on the dashboard:
- The Total Amount by Location report shows goods amount based on
inventory location.
The Discounts by Location report shows entered discount based on inventory location.
The Total Tax by Location report shows delivered tax total amount based on inventory location.
The Total Add On Charges by Location report shows total add on charge amount based on inventory location.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Backorder
- Bill Postal Country
- Company
- Customer
- Customer name
- Customer Order inventory location
- Customer Order Ship To Country
- Customer Order source description
- Customer Order Status
- Customer Order Tax Status
- Order type
- Year
- Year/month
Orders By Sales Representative Detail
The Orders By Sales Representative Detail report contains details about the volume of orders placed, order dates, inventory locations, quantity, order net, commission rates, and territories by sales representative.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Company
- Customer
- Customer name
- Customer Order inventory location
- Customer Order Ship To Country
- Customer Order source description
- Customer Order Status
- OE Sales Representative
- Order type
- Year
- Year/month
Order Entry dashboard
This list shows the reports on the dashboard:
- The Net Amount by Month report shows the total order amount based on year/month.
- The Amounts by Customer report compares gross amount, net amount, and total amount based on customers.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Backorder
- Bill Postal Country
- Company
- Customer
- Customer name
- Customer Order inventory location
- Customer Order Ship To Country
- Customer Order source description
- Customer Order Status
- Customer Order Tax Status
- Order type
- Rank filter
- Year
- Year/month
Order Overview
This list shows the reports on the dashboard that provides an overview of customer orders:
- The Orders Over Time report shows the number of orders based on year/month.
- The Orders by Sales Representative report shows the number of orders based on sales representative.
- The Customer Orders by Status shows report the number of orders based on the order status.
- The Orders by Inventory Location report shows the number of orders based on the inventory location.
- The Shipping Detail by Customer report shows shipping detail for orders which includes order number, order date, order line, ship complete, customer ship-to location, expected shipping date, shipping method, freight code and transportation and ID by customer.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Backorder
- Bill Postal Country
- Company
- Customer
- Customer name
- Customer Order inventory location
- Customer Order Ship To Country
- Customer Order source description
- Customer Order Status
- Customer Order Tax Status
- OE Sales Representative
- Order Type
- Year
- Year/month
Return Analysis
The Return Analysis dashboard has reports analyzing the number of returns based on month and the returned quantity based on reason.
This list shows the reports on the dashboard:
- The Returns By Month report shows the number of returns based on month.
- The Returned Quantity by Reason report shows return quantity based on the reason. Other details included are closing franchise, damaged, cancellation, or cancel reason code.
This list shows the filters you can use to slice data:
- Company
- Customer
- Customer name
- Customer Order Return Status
- Customer Order Return Location
- Customer order source description
- Customer Order Return Reason
- Order type
- Rank Filter
- Year
- Year/month