Setting up the security role in OS Portal

  1. After you sign in to Infor OS Portal, select User Menu > User Management.
  2. Configure Logical ID Associations:
    1. From the landing page, expand the left menu and select Configure > Logical Associations.
    2. Click the Add icon.
    3. Enter the Birst Ming.le LID and Birst Connection Point LID using this information:
      Ming.le LID
      Connection Point LID
    4. Click Save.
  3. Create or edit an existing security role by performing these steps:
    1. Select Configure > Master Data Types > Security Roles.
    2. Create a role by clicking the Add icon. For an existing role, open the role and go to step d.
    3. Specify the name and description for the new security role.
    4. Click the Applications tab and click the Add icon.
    5. Select Birst from the list, and click ADD & CLOSE.
    6. Click Save.
    7. Navigate back to the new security role, open the Applications tab, and confirm that the status of Birst is Accepted.