Adding or updating Data Lake flow
Follow these steps to create the Data Lake flow for the first time or update documents in existing data lake flows.
- Open the navigation menu of Infor OS Portal.
- In the Applications, select .
- Select .
- Select Add and .
- Click Application then drag and drop between the Start and End.
- Click Add.
- Select fsm_ims in Select Application and click OK.
- In the Application Activity Properties, specify FSM_IMS in the Name text box.
- Click Ingest then drag and drop to the right of FSM_IMS.
- Click the document between FSM_IMS and IngestToDataLake.
- Click Add under Documents.
- Specify FSM in the text box, select all entries and click OK.
- Click .
- Click Activate.
- When updating the data lake flow or adding new documents, follow steps 10 - 13.
- Click .