Upgrading Active Spaces Using Staging

We recommend that you use this procedure to upgrade active spaces using staging for Analytics Upgrade. This process ensures minimal downtime for end users during the upgrade.
  1. In Step 1: Upgrade Staging,
    1. Click Start Staging Environment Upgrade
    2. Confirm that the work unit status is completed.
    3. Click Next.
  2. In Step 2 Merge Customizations,
    1. Confirm that you have completed the merge for your consumer and model customizations to the staging environment.
      Note:  Merging of model customizations must be done manually. For consumer customizations, see Running FSM Analytics Upgrade Automation – Copy Consumer Customization workflow.
    2. Click Next.
  3. In Step 3 Load Data to Staging Environment,
    1. Click Refresh Product Version to check updated versions of the Staging Environment (STC).
    2. Ensure that Extract Start Date parameter has been setup in Analytics Configurations.
    3. Click Load Data to Staging to run the Data Flow to Analytics Full Load for the STC spaces.
    4. After the work unit is completed, click Next.
  4. In Step 4 Validate Staging,
    1. confirm that you validated the content in the upgraded STC spaces and that the customizations are working.
    2. Click Next.
  5. In Step 5 Stage to Active Spaces, click Start Stage to Active Space Upgrade.
    This performs the copy and swap of STC and ATC spaces.