Process flow
The diagram illustrates the steps that the STC and ATC Swap workflow performs. The flow starts by creating the IPA_UpgradeVariable in the STC Consumer space to indicate that the IPA upgrade has begun and to prevent accidental rerun of the upgrade workflow. After creating the variable, the workflow creates backup spaces for all ATC and STC spaces. These backup spaces include only metadata and are named 'ZZZBackup-[Tenant]-[SpaceName]-YYYYMMDDhhmmss'. The workflow then creates and runs a Birst workflow with steps to copy STC to ATC spaces and swap the spaces. After the spaces are swapped, connectors and packages in the ATC spaces will still be those from the STC spaces. A repointing of connections and packages is required. To accomplish this, the workflow creates and runs a Birst workflow with steps to repoint connections from STC to ATC and to repoint packages from STC to ATC spaces. The workflow then completes by creating a new set of Birst ATC workflows based on the STC workflows.