Processing Item Quantity by Day Snapshot
There is a functionality in the CSF-Model-SCM space where you can create a snapshot of inventory items. The snapshot reflects the items' activity, beginning, and ending daily balances even if there was no activity for the item for a day. By default, this process is not part of the delivered Extract and Process orchestration.
These process groups can be added to the delivered Extract and Process orchestration. They can also be included in a new orchestration that you can run on demand independently:
- 9998-Prepare Build Item Daily Quantity Snapshot
You must run this process to establish the starting day for building the snapshot. The process determines the starting point by finding closed inventory closed period. It uses the closed period’s beginning balance as the starting point to create snapshot records from the closed periods opening day. There is a delivered ItemQuantitySnaphot_Prior_Closed_Month_Reload variable that determines the number of closed periods back to rebuild this snapshot. The delivered value of this variable is ‘1’ which indicates to return 1 closed period as the starting point. If you assign a new integer value to this variable, it goes back that number of closed periods to reload snapshots. The process also prepares for the rebuild by deleting all current snapshot records as of this closed period’s starting date.
Note: All prior snapshot records are not deleted. - 9999-Build Item Daily Quantity Snapshot
This process creates new snapshot records starting from the selected closed period’s starting date. It uses the stored monthly beginning balance on inventory history as the beginning balance for that period’s starting date. The process then recalculates the daily balances for every day between this closed period’s starting date and the current date.
These measures are created for daily snapshots:
- Item Daily Beginning Balance
- Item Daily Ending Balance
- Item Daily Quantity
- Item Daily Quantity In
- Item Daily Quantity Out
- Item Daily Quantity Adjustment
- Item Daily Transaction Count
These dimensional relationships exist for the snapshot metrics:
- Account
- Accounting Entity
- Accounting Entity Hierarchy - if used, ensure that Reporting Basis is filtered
- Accounting Unit
- Accounting Unit Hierarchy - if used, ensure that Accounting Unit Structure is filtered
- Company
- Finance Dimension 01
- Finance Dimension 01 Hierarchy - if used, ensure that Finance Dimension 01 Structure is filtered
- Finance Dimension 02
- Finance Dimension 02 Hierarchy - if used, ensure that Finance Dimension 02 Structure is filtered
- Finance Dimension 03
- Finance Dimension 03 Hierarchy - if used, ensure that Finance Dimension 03 Structure is filtered
- Finance Dimension 04
- Finance Dimension 04 Hierarchy - if used, ensure that Finance Dimension 04 Structure is filtered
- Finance Dimension 05
- Finance Dimension 05 Hierarchy - if used, ensure that Finance Dimension 05 Structure is filtered
- Finance Dimension 06
- Finance Dimension 06 Hierarchy - if used, ensure that Finance Dimension 06 Structure is filtered
- Finance Dimension 07
- Finance Dimension 07 Hierarchy - if used, ensure that Finance Dimension 07 Structure is filtered
- Finance Dimension 08
- Finance Dimension 08 Hierarchy - if used, ensure that Finance Dimension 08 Structure is filtered
- Finance Dimension 09
- Finance Dimension 09 Hierarchy - if used, ensure that Finance Dimension 09 Structure is filtered
- Finance Dimension 10
- Finance Dimension 10 Hierarchy - if used, ensure that Finance Dimension 10 Structure is filtered
- Finance Enterprise Group
- Financial Calendar Hierarchy - if used, ensure that Financial Calendar is filtered
- Financial Calendar Period
- Inventory Location
- IOH Attributes
- Item
- Project
- Project Levels - if used, ensure that Project Structure is filtered
- Time