Loading high volume Global Ledger business classes

You cannot use the current CSF Infor Data Lake shared connection for an extract of a specific subset of General Ledger measures such a specific Year/Period. The shared connection can only create a predicate using the Data Lake Time Stamp, lastModified. Use the CSF Infor Data Lake Compass Driver shared connection in the CSF-Source-GL space for extracts of General Ledger Totals, Transactions, and Transaction Details based on WHERE clause on the Query. It does not include the Data Lake Time Stamp as a basis to filter the query, unless you choose to add it.

You are not required to modify the standard query delivered to apply the specific WHERE clause for the subset of data you wish to retrieve. Instead, apply the WHERE clause definition on the specific Business Class defined Filter Variable. At the time of Extract the Variable for the WHERE clause of the appropriate query is appended to the query statement.

Query WHERE clause variable
FSM_GeneralLedgerTotal_Compass FSM_GLTotal_Filter
FSM_GeneralLedgerTransaction_Compass FSM_GLTransaction_Filter
FSM_GeneralLedgerTransactionDetail_Compass FSM_GLTransactionDetail_Filter

These queries are aliased as “A” and there is a Join to GeneralLedgerChartAccount aliased as “B”. Any General Ledger Account property is used in filtering the data extract. Any of the properties of the Business Class or GeneralLedgerChartAccount are used to filter the extract content.