Adding security roles

Users who set up the IPA must have the necessary security roles.

  1. Open Infor OS Portal’s navigation menu.
  2. In the Applications, select OS > Security.
  3. In the Select Property menu, select Last Name.
  4. Search for your last name.
  5. On your user record, click User Details .
  6. Click the Security Roles tab.
  7. In the Security Role column, scroll through the list and verify that you have these security roles:
    • Admin_ST
    • ApplicationAdministrator_ST
    • Birst-SystemAdministrator
    • DATAFABRIC-SuperAdmin
    • IONAPI-Administrator
    • IONDeskAdmin
    • ProcessDesigner_ST
    • ProcessServerAllAccess_ST
  8. Add the required security roles by scrolling through the list or by searching for the roles. Security roles that are already added to your account are not searchable.
  9. Specify the security roles by selecting the check box.
  10. To add each role, click ADD.
  11. Close the window.
  12. Click Save.