Replication of data

Note: Available on Landmark version 11.01.50

On the Administration Console, select Database > Replication. The list of replication sets are available on the Maintain or Search tab. To perform an action, select a replication set and right-click.

Action Description
Create Creates a new Replication Set.
Update Changes AllAuditLogEntry in any existing Replication Set.

Headers field clears both the LastRefreshStamp and LastRefresh.

Stamp fields, thus requiring a new schema registration. The next Replication replicates all data.

Delete Deletes a Replication Set.
Replicate Replicates data to the Data Lake.

Only valid when all related RepSetBC records have had schemas registered.

Full replication occurs for any RepSetBC that has not been replicated since the last schema registration or if LastRefreshStamp is not entered. All others are incremental from the LastRefreshStamp.

Updates the LastRefreshStamp upon completion.

RegisterAllSchemas Registers all related RepSetBC schemas, overwriting any existing registration.

Updates the LastRegistrationStamp value.

Reset Clears LastRefreshStamp. The next replication will replicate all data for all related RepSetBC records.

Deleted records or flags are not sent.

AddBusinessClasses Allows adding Business Classes like RepSetBC in bulk. If a Business Class already exists in the set, it is skipped.