Adding Purchasing drill back to the Purchase Order Line Detail dashboard

Purchasing drill back is added to the Purchase Order Line Detail dashboard in FSM Analytics Use this procedure to add Purchasing drill back to the PO Item Details dashboard. We recommend to add a drill path to the column that is unique for each transaction, such as PO number.

  1. In Infor OS Portal, select CSF Analytics.
  2. Select Purchasing > PO Item Details.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Select the report and click Edit in Visualizer.
  5. Check the field name of the PO number in the columns list by resting your mouse pointer on PO number. The field name is PO Header Attributes.PO Number.
  6. Select Advanced Tools > Report Level Drilling > Add Drill Path.
  7. Specify PO Header Attributes.PO Number as the field name for the column in your report for adding the drill back.
  8. Click the hyperlink option and select Open in: Same Window.
  9. Specify '?LogicalId=lid://infor.fsm.fsm&ViewId=InforPurchaseOrderView&ID1='+[Company.Company]+'&ID2='+[PO Header Attributes.PO Number].
    Note: All characters in the drill back URL are case sensitive. You must use this URL without any modifications.
  10. Click Done.
    The PO Number column where the drill back URL is added is highlighted. Resting your mouse pointer on any PO number displays the added drill back URL at the bottom of the screen.
  11. Click Save & Insert.
  12. Click Publish.
    You can click the PO Number to drill back from this dashboard to the Purchase Order Line Detail screen in the FSM application. Additional drill backs can be added to Payables and Purchasing dashboards by following these steps.

    See the Financials and Supply Management Analytics User Guide for the list of dashboard reports that has the drill back feature.