Creating and running the Reset Extract Variable workflow

  1. In Infor OS Portal, select Infor Birst.
  2. Select Admin > Orchestration.
  3. Click More Actions > Workflow.
  4. Set the name to CSF – Coleman Reset Extract Variables.
  5. In Step 1, click Add task to step.
    1. Select Set Variable as the task type.
    2. Select <Tenant>-CSF-Model-Coleman as the space.
    3. Select AllExtractDate as the variable name.
    4. Set Variable Value ( for example, 2022-01-01 ).
      This value is equal to the last reset timestamp in the application.
  6. In Step 2, click Add task to step.
    1. Select Publish as the task type.
    2. Select <Tenant>-CSF-Model-Coleman as the space.
    3. Select <00-Reset Variables> for the variable.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Run the workflow.
    1. Select the workflow you created.
    2. Click Actions > Run Workflow.