BOD Connectors

This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management.

ProcessInvoice_In BOD changes to incorporate barcode value

  • File Changed:
    • FSM_ION_ProcessInvoice_Inbound.Ipd
    • Variable Added in JSON: No
  • In FSM_ION_ProcessInvoice_Inbound IPA flow below changes done
    • Modified branch condition in Branch6360 node
    • Added new assign Assign730 node
    • Added new Assign3170 node
    • Added new field, FolioAuthorizationCode, in BLInvoice transaction node.
  • Integration Specific: Yes.
  1. Configuration:
    1. Enable FSM_ION_PRocessInvoice_Inbound BOD in Channels Administrations.
    2. Set country code to CL in AccountingEntity.
  2. How to Test:
    1. Send valid xml with Registered and Rejected/Failed/Submitted status.
    2. BOD trigger and Work unit will generate Without any errors.
  3. Verify the Result:
    1. If the status is Registered then FolioAuthorizationCode field should update and release billing invoice.
    2. If the status is Failed then billing invoice should be in unreleased state.


AR - ReceivableInvoice Scenario - Add the PaymentMethodCode node & lcl.PaymentMethod under Userarea in SyncInvoice Outbound BOD for

For Receivable Invoice scenario (AR) PEPPOL access countries added PaymentMethodCode and lcl.PaymentMethod - SyncInvoice Outbound BOD PEPPOL Access countries.

  • File Changed:
    • FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.Ipd
  • Variable Aded in JSON: Variable added as RInvBankTransactionCode. For ReceivableInvoice.BankTransactionCode >RInvBankTransactionCode
  • IPA Changes: In FSM_ION_SyncIonvoice_Outbound IPA flow below changes done:
    • In Assign1740- Modified javascripts
    • If SystemID ReceivableInvoice(AR) and and specific to Australia(AU) Germany(DE) Netherlands(NL) NewZealand(NZ) Poland(PL) UnitedKingdom(GB) countries

      pass the propert for "lcl.PaymentMethod" and

      BL_BankTransactionCode = RInvBankTransactionCode;

      PaymentMethod = RInvBankTransactionCode;

  • Integration Specific: Yes. These changes are related to Integration specific to Australia(AU) Germany(DE) Netherlands(NL) NewZealand(NZ) Poland(PL) UnitedKingdom(GB) countries.
  1. Configuration:
    1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select BODtrigger check box.
    2. Enable the Service Definition and Processes for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound_Ipd Processes.
  2. How to Test:
    1. Create Receivables and Release it.
    2. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate With respective newly added x-path
    3. Invoice/InvoiceHeader/PaymentMethodCode and Icl.PaymentMethod property in Userarea.

    These changes for AU, NL, NZ, DE, UK, and PL country specific.
