Lease Accounting

This section contains enhancements in Financials and Supply Management.

Combine tabs on the lease composite form

The tabs on a lease require a drop-down menu after a lease is processed. Related tabs were combined to reduce the number of tabs required for a lease.

Reduced the number of tabs on a lease by combining the Override tab with the Options tab and combining the dates, comments, and related documents tabs into a new Attachments tab.

  1. Verify that a new date can be added to a lease
  2. Verify that a new comment can be added to a lease
  3. Verfiy that a new document can be added to a lease
  4. Verify that the overrides functionality on the Options tab is still accessible on the ASC842 leases
  5. Verify that the overrides are not available on the GASB87


Display the Asset Basis on the Lease Asset Screen

The Asset Basis amount is displayed on the Asset List from the lease.

The Asset Basis is displayed on the Lease Asset list allowing the customers to view and verify that the Asset Basis matches the Lease ROU Amounts. If there are multiple assets there can be a total amount for all of the Assets Basis.

  1. Verify that on the Lease Asset List the Asset Basis amount is visable.
  2. Verify there are multiple assests on the lease, the total basis for all assets is being display and accurately calculated.
