This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management.

EDI850 add Requesting Location as N1 ST 04 segment

A customer request to add the Requesting Location as the N1ST04 segment.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Translate Outbound mapping Requesting Location in N1ST04 for Purchase Order to 850.

Enable the addition of the Requesting Location as the N1ST04 segment the EDI Data Substitution record:

  • List Name: <Trading Partner ID>_O_N104_REQLOC
  • Your Value: <Operating Company>+<Requesting Location> OR <Requesting Location>
  • Partner Value: <Partner Value>

Use this information to test the enhancement:

Process EDI 850 using this setup:

  • <Trading Partner ID>_O_N104_REQLOC = <Operating Company>+<Requesting Location>
  • <Trading Partner ID>_O_N104_REQLOC = <Requesting Location>
  • Without Data Substitution set up "<Trading Partner ID>_O_N104_REQLOC"


Include Procedure Info Supplier Order Number in 850

Supplier Order Number from Patient Procedure Information was not being transmitted in the Purchase Order 850 transaction.

The Order Number is required for suppliers to associate the purchase order to the supplier order for procedure and consigment type orders.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

PurchaseOrderEDIOutput to 850 process is updated. The Supplier Order Number is mapped to the second element of an order level REF segment. It includes a VN qualifier, for example,: REF^VN^888839930

The order number is taken from the first Procedure Information record that has an order number.

Important The order number is not sent at the detail level in the 850. There should be only one sales order per PO. If the supplier order numbers on the PO lines are different, then only the first order number is sent.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Procedure Info Output configuration is available on Purchasing Company, Purchasing Vendor and Purchase From Location.

    Select the Supplier Order Number in the Transmit column.

  2. Create a purchase order for an EDI Vendor that has Procedure information with a Supplier Order number.
  3. Issue and Release the Purchase Order.
  4. Examine PurchaseOrderEDIOutput Procedure Info record. Verify that the Order Number field is populated.
  5. Run the Translate Outbound job to translate the data.
  6. Examine the created EDI Data Exchange record.

    Verify that the order number is in a REF segment following the BEG segment.


JT-1697593 enables selecting Supplier Order Number for Transmit.


Process 810 Invoices for Service Contracts

Customers are receiving X12 810 invoices for service contracts. These invoices have a contract number but not a valid purchase order number to match against. When the 810 is translated and processed to a Match Invoice, it fails and requires manual correction.

The enhancement request is to process these invoices correctly as service contracts.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • EDI Translate Inbound of 810 Invoices.

Per the enhancement request these conditions apply:

  1. Customers only receive 810 invoices for service contracts from the trading partner.
  2. The Contract number is in the 810 in the BIG segment in the Purchase Order element (BIG04) OR the contract number is sent in the IT1 segment with a CR qualifier.

In these examples, 115 is the service contract:

  • BIG^20210131^29997640^^115^^^DI~
  • IT1^1^1^DA^75.65^CT^VC^VANDELAY-MK238^SN^VI13657^CR^115~

The enhancement leverages existing functionality to set the Invoice Type to "V" (Service Contract) based on a code in BIG07.

The EDI Data Substitution record to handle all 810 as service contract invoices is:

  • List Name: <tpid>_I_INVOICE_HC
  • Your Value: V
  • Partner Value: *

Replace <tpid> with the trading partner id of the EDI Trading Partner record for processing 810 invoices.

Processing logic if the invoice type is "V":

The service contract value is mapped from the first "CR" qualified element in an IT1 segment.

If there is no "CR" qualified element, then "Purchase Order" from BIG04 is mapped to Service Contract.

If a Service Contract value is found, then the Purchase Order number is blank.

If the value of Service Contract is greater than 15 digits or contains non-numeric characters, then the import to EDI Invoice Match Interface Input fails and the data is saved in EDI Work.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Perform normal setup for 810 EDI Trading Partner and Data Substitution records.
  2. Add the EDI Data Substitution record for <tpid>_I_INVOICE_HC.
  3. Have an EDI Data Exchange record containing an 810 for service contract.
  4. Run Translate Inbound.
  5. Examine the EDI Invoice Match Interface Input records for the invoice.
  6. Run the Interface Invoices action.

Expected results:

  • The Purchase Order field is empty.
  • Invoice Template Type is Service Contract
  • Service Contract contains the value from BIG04 or IT1 segment.
  • Invoice is imported successfully.


Per the enhancement request these conditions apply:

  1. Only be receiving 810 invoices for service contracts from the trading partner.
  2. The Contract number is sent in the 810 in the BIG segment in the Purchase Order element (BIG04). OR

    The contract number is sent in the IT1 segment with a CR qualifier.


Purchase Order Number mapped to match Interface External Purchase Order

Customers requested the old functionality of the EDI Error that occurs for Purchase Order numbers that are greater than 12 characters or are non-numeric, instead of mapping this to the External Purchase Order field.

This enhancement restores the previous behavior but also keeps the processing of the Expense Invoice enhancement through a Data Substitution set up MAP_TO_EXTERNAL_PO.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Translate Inbound mapping Invoice from 810.

- Purchase Order numbers in the 810 invoices that contain non-numeric characters or has more than 12 characters are not mapped to the External Purchase Order field unless the MAP_TO_EXTERNAL_PO OR CREATE_EXPENSE_INVOICES is enabled for the Trading Partner.

- The EDI Invoice Match Interface import fails because the PO number contains a numeric field size of 12.

- An EDI Work Error record would be created with the import error message and the data.

- The PO Number must be "corrected" in the 810 data and the EDI Data Exchange record must be re-translated.

If the "MAP_TO_EXTERNAL_PO" OR "CREATE_EXPENSE_INVOICES" is enabled for the Trading Partner and if it contains non-numeric characters or has more than 12 characters, then the Purchase Order is mapped to the External Purchase Order field.

  • Your Value: Y
  • Partner Value: <Trading Partner ID> or * (for all Trading Partners).

Use this information to test the enhancement:

Process EDI 810 using this set up:

  • No Data Substitution record created for MAP_TO_EXTERNAL_PO
  • No Data Substitution record created for CREATE_EXPENSE_INVOICES
