
This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management.

Enable Transmit Supplier Order Number in Procedure Info Output to Send in EDI 850

Supplier Order Number was not available as a Transmit option on the Procedure Info Output tab under Purchasing Company, Purchasing Vendor, or Purchase From Location. The option is necessary to send the order number in EDI 850 transactions.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Enabled selecting Supplier Order Number as a Transmit option on Procedure Info Output under Purchasing Company, Purchasing Vendor, or Purchase From Location.
  • Enabled selecting Medical Record Number as a Transmit option.

When a purchase order is issued for a vendor with an Issue Method of EDI or XML, a Procedure Info record is created for each PO line that has procedure information. If the Transmit check box is selected, then the field data is written to the output.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Select the Transmit check box for Supplier Order Number and Medical Record Number in the procedure output on the purchasing company, purchasing vendor, or purchase from location.
  2. Create a purchase order for an EDI vendor.
  3. Add Supplier Order Number and Medical Record Number to the Default Procedure information.
  4. Create a purchase order line.
  5. Release and issue the order.
  6. Verify these results:
    • A PurchaseOrderEDIOutput Procedure Infor record is created for the line.
    • The Supplier Order Number is in the Order Number field.
    • The Medical Record Number is in the Patient ID field.


There should be only one supplier order number per purchase order.
