
Add buttons to Buyer home page widgets

New buttons are available in the Vendor Returns widget and the Unreleased Purchase Order widget when there is no data to display in the widget.

  1. Sign in as Buyer and navigate to the Buyer home page.
  2. Verify the Create From Purchase Order button is displayed in the Vendor Returns widget.
  3. Verify the Create button is displayed in the Unreleased Purchase Orders widget.


Add Commodity Code to Add On Charge setup

The Commodity Code is available in Add On Charge setup for third-party tax calculations.

Testing is not applicable at this time. Future functionality will use this field in third-party tax calculations.


OneSource generic, UNSPSC Code, remove special character

When passing UNSPSC as a Tax Attribute to OneSource, the passed value for the created XML should not contain special characters.

  1. Create a purchase order with Taxable set to true using a OneSource tax code.
  2. Create a purchase order for an inventoried item with a UNSPSC code.
  3. Release the purchase order.
