Linking all actors to an actor context template for FSM

When an actor context template exists, you can link it to all actors. This procedure is intended to be used for initial user setup.

You might also use this procedure if you have added a new template or updated an existing template and want to mass-assign it to existing actors.

This procedure provides the steps for mass-assigning a template. A template must already exist before you perform this procedure.

Note: The system contains logic to ensure that external actors, for example, vendors, are not auto-assigned templates. The system also does not auto-assign templates to inactive actors, that is, actors who have been disabled but are not yet fully deleted from the system.
  1. Navigate to the Administration Console.
  2. Select Security > Actor Context Template.
  3. On the Actor Context Template List, move to the toolbar and select the Create Actor Context from Template action. The Actor Context Template page is displayed.
  4. Specify this information:
    Actor Context Template
    Select a template.
    All Actors
    Select this check box.
    How to Process If Actor Context Already Exists
    If you are updating existing actors who may already have a value for at least one of the actor contexts, select Replace to update the existing value or Skip to retain the existing value. The value that you select is applied to all records that have existing actor context values.
  5. Click Submit.