Adding responses

  1. Sign in as Sourcing Manager and select Manage Responses > Manage Event Responses.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select the company to which the supplier is assigned.
    Event #
    Select the event number to which the supplier is responding.
    Supplier Group
    Select the supplier group to which the supplier belongs.
    Select the company ID to which the supplier belongs.
    Supplier Contact
    Select the supplier contact who is submitting the bid.
    No Bid
    Select this check box if the supplier is not submitting a bid.
  4. Click Save.
  5. On the Line Responses tab, click the All Actions Menu and select Update.
  6. Specify this information:
    Vendor Item
    Specify the supplier's internal code for the item.

    If items can be substituted for the event line, then the supplier must identify the substitute item.

    Note: You can select either a Vendor Item, or a GTIN, but not both.
    Vendor Item Description
    Specify the supplier's internal description for the item.

    If items can be substituted for the event line, then the supplier must identify the substitute item.

    Select a GTIN.
    Delivery Date
    Select a delivery date.
    Specify the quantity of the items to which you are responding.
    UOM Detail
    Optional. Specify UOM detail.
    Unit Price
    Specify the unit price for the items to which you are responding.
    No Charge
    Select this check box if the amount that the supplier is bidding is 0.00.
    No Bid
    Select this check box if the supplier is not bidding on an item.
    Note: When you select the No Bid check box a Reasonfield is displayed, and you must select a no bid reason.
  7. Click Save.
  8. You can enter an attachment with the event response on the Attachments tab.