Creating burden codes

Burdens are assigned to finished goods to determine your non-inventory production costs. Define burden costs for each production facility. Burdens must be set up before they can be applied to specific finished good bills of material.

  1. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Inventory Control > Burden Codes.
  2. Click Create and specify this information:
    Select a company.
    Select a location.
    Burden Code
    Specify a code for the burden.
  3. On the Main tab, specify the GL Account details.
  4. Specify this information:
    Select a vendor.
    Burden Type
    Select a burden type and the related fields.
    • Flat Amount

      The flat amount that you specify for a burden.

    • Amount Per Finished Goods Unit

      The quantity of the finished good multiplied by the amount for each finished good you specify for the burden.

    • Percent Of Finished Goods Inventory Cost

      The percentage of finished good inventory cost, which is the total of all normal and packaging components.

    • Amount Per Burden Unit

      The unit cost multiplied by the quantity and multiplier. For example, rate * hours * number of employees.

  5. Click Save.
  6. On the Comments tab, click Create.
  7. Specify this information:
    Specify a title for the comment.
    Provide a comment.
  8. Click Save.