Setting up an eFax email address

If the Level value on your Fax Configuration menu is Error, Success, or Both, you must setup a valid email address to which the Disposition Notifications can be sent.
  1. Select Supply Management > Shared Processes > Employee Information.
  2. Open the employee profile record.
  3. On the Personal Information tab, click Create.
  4. Specify this information:
    Telephone Type
    Select Email.
    Email Address
    Specify the email address to which the Disposition Notifications must be sent.
    Preferred Email
    Select this check box when you specify an email address.
  5. Click Save.
  6. On the At A Glance tab, click the select icon for the Use For Work Email field.
  7. Select the email record that you created in step 4.
  8. Click Save.
    If the email address is changed on the Employee Profile, then the email address on that employee’s Buyer record is automatically updated.