Controlling how menus are displayed on Supplier Portal for supplier Order Management features

The menu that are displayed in Supplier Portal are controlled mainly from Supplier Group, but can also be controlled at Supplier Contact level.

The Supplier Portal Access tab in Supplier Group contains the main options for what is displayed in the portal menu. Primary and non primary Contacts for portal access are differentiated. The options that are on this page indicate as of access for all supplier contacts. Changes take effect immediately.

It is not required to display menu items for Strategic Sourcing on Supplier Portal, but it is required to define at least one menu item from Strategic Sourcing, Contract Management, or Supplier Order Management when using Supplier Portal.

In addition, if you want to have additional access to Supplier Portal menu items for specific features and supplier contacts, there is a Portal Access tab on the Supplier Contact page.

The Supplier Contact page is used to show whether a contact has access to a menu item, and where they get the access from: Supplier Group or special access for the contact person.

If access is not allowed at Supplier Group level, click the Give Access button for access at the contact level.

If access is allowed at Contact level, click the Remove Access button to remove the contact’s access.

Note:  Only additional access can be given at Contact level from what is allowed at Supplier Group level.

If unique access is defined for any supplier contacts, a button is displayed on the Supplier Portal Access page in Supplier Group. The page is titled Supplier Contacts With Additional Access. The list shows all supplier contacts with special access.