Calculating scores

Category scores are calculated by taking the average of each criteria score. To get a total score for a supplier, each category score is multiplied by its weighting percent.

Example - Category A 65% weighting

  • Criteria 1 - score 4
  • Criteria 2 - score 2
  • Category score is 3

Example - Category B 35% weighting

  • Criteria 3 - score 1
  • Criteria 4 - score 4
  • Category score is 2.5

Total score for the Supplier is 2.83 ((3 * .65) + (2.5 * .35))

If the Not Applicable field is selected, then that criteria is not used for scoring. The only exception is if Not Applicable is selected for ALL criteria in a category. In that case, the category score is zero.