Creating school activity accounts

Use this procedure to assign an activity to your school. Optionally, create a sub activity to further define the main activity into more detailed activities. If sub activity is used, transactions are tracked by sub activity at the school level. They are rolled up to the main activity at the district level.

  1. Select Financials > Student Activity Management > Setup > School Setup > School Activity Accounts.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select the activity that you want to add to the school.
    Provide a description for the activity.
    Select a school.
    Sub Activity
    Use this field to break down a main activity into more detail. Specify a sub activity identifier of up to 20 characters.
    Group All Sub Activities
    Use this field only if you are creating a sub activity and only if you use student records.

    Select this field to group together all sub activities for the activity account. Grouping sub activities is useful when assigning activities to students. If you assign the main activity to the student, then all sub activities are assigned automatically.

    If Group All Sub Activities is not selected, then each sub activity is treated as a separate activity at the school level. It is be rolled to the main activity at district level.

    Fee Amount
    Specify the fee amount for the activity.
    GL Account
    Select a GL account where the activity is posted. If this field is blank, the default is the GL account defined for the selected activity.
  4. Click Save.
    School activity accounts can also be created on the Activity Accounts tab.
    1. Select Financials > Student Activity Management > Setup > School Setup > Schools.
    2. Open a school.
    3. On the Activities tab, select All Actions Menu > Helper List and select the activity account to add to the school.
    4. Click Add Activity To School.