Using the shopping list

Use the shopping list to access procurement templates and add a defined group of items to your requisition. A shopping list must be defined in Procurement Templates before you can add items from it to your requisition. At least one participant must be defined for a template, and the requester must be associated with that participant in order to see the template.

A group of four template lists is available:

  • Company Template List: The company is set up as the participant
  • Location Template List: The requesting location is set up as a participant
  • Requester Template List: The requester is set up as a participant
  • Unassigned Template List: Participants have not been assigned

You must be defined as a participant of the specific shopping list before you can use that list. For more information, see the Purchasing User Guide.

Note: A display option must be enabled in Requesters or Inventory Company in order to access the shopping list. A display option can be enabled for a requester but not for the company. You enable the display option for a requester so that they have access to the feature when no one else in the company does.
  1. On the RSS home page select My Shopping Lists and click View All.

    Tip: Scroll down on the page to see the View All link.

  2. Select a shopping list.

    If you know the name of the shopping list, specify it in the Search field. Click the magnifying glass icon to show the search field.

  3. After you select a shopping list, the lines are displayed.
  4. Click the Add To Request button to add the items to the requisition. Specify this information:
    List Only Contract Items
    Select whether to only list items that are on a contract.
    List Only Internal Items
    Select whether to only list inventory tracked items.
    • If you select Yes, only inventory tracked items are displayed.
    • If you select No, all items are displayed.
    • If you select Item Location Setup, only items that have an Item Location record at the from location on the requisition header are displayed. This occurs regardless of whether the item is inventory tracked.
  5. Optionally, you can use the Search field to find an item on the template. When you specify a string of characters in the Search field, all items containing that string of characters are displayed.

    After you select an item in the search results, you are returned to that line in the template. The items show in the order in which they are displayed on the template. You can then add it to the requisition.

  6. Click the Submit Request button to move the requisition to the next processing stage.