Delaying tax calculation when OneSource is the tax system

When OneSource is the tax system on the tax entity, you can delay the calculation of tax for requisitions. Use this procedure to set the calculation to occur after the requisition is released.

  1. On the Tax Entity record, select OneSource as the tax system and select the Delay Tax Processing check box.
  2. Create the requisition.
  3. Create the requisition line.
  4. In the Purchasing Options section, specify this information:
    Select this check box if the requisition is taxable.
    Tax Code
    Select OneSource.
  5. View the Tax Log tab on the tax entity. Verify that when a line is created, no tax logs for OneSource are created for the requisition line.
  6. Return to the requisition and release it.
  7. On the tax entity, verify that a tax log record for OneSource calculation is created.
  8. Verify that a finance dimension and GL account are created in tax attributes.