Adding Project Manager work email and phone number to the Project Summary BI Report

You must have the work email and phone number fields set up in HCM before adding them to the Project Summary BI Report.

  1. Sign in as Project Administrator and select HCM Menu.
  2. In the Employee List window, select Options > Personalize.
  3. On the Column tab, click Add Field.
  4. Specify this information:
    Specify UseForWorkEmail
    Optionally, specify a label for the field.
    Sort Order
    Select a sort order for the field.
    Select None.
    Allow data to be updated in the list
    Select this check box.
  5. Click OK.
  6. On the Column tab, click Add Field.
  7. Specify this information:
    Specify UseForWorkPhone
    Optionally, specify a label for the field.
    Sort Order
    Select a sort order for the field.
    Select None.
    Allow data to be updated in the list
    Select this check box.
  8. Click OK.
  9. In the List Editor window, click OK.
  10. In the Employee List window, open the employee and click the Personal Information tab.
  11. Open the employee information and specify a Phone Number and Email Address.
  12. Select the Used As Work Phone and Used As Work Email check boxes.
  13. Click Save.