Transactions transfers

We recommend that if costs are posted to the incorrect project or finance structure, that you perform adjustments in the source system. Ideally, the transfer costs action is used as part of invoice edit and for costs that are incurred in non-Infor systems. If there are budget edit concerns, adjustments must be made in the originating sub system and be documented. No budget editing is performed on transfers. If a transaction was posted to the incorrect posting project, you can transfer it from one project to another.

  • The Transfer Individual Transaction action is used to transfer one transaction. You can transfer whole or partial amounts or units. If you select more than one record, the Transfer Individual Transaction action is not displayed.

    For an individual transaction, you can transfer the full expense amount or a portion of the transaction. If you transfer the full amount and units, the original transaction and the reversing entry are set to processed for billing. If you transfer only a part of the amount or units, the original transaction and the reversing entry are in unprocessed for billing. For both individual and partial transactions, the transfer to record is set to unprocessed for billing.

  • The Transfer Multiple Transactions action is used when selecting one or more transactions to transfer. All dimensions or individual dimensions of the finance structure can be specified. When only individual dimensions are specified, the default values for the remaining dimensions are from the originating transaction.

    For the Transfer Multiple Transactions action, the original transaction and the reversing entry is set to processed for billing. The transfer to record is set to unprocessed for billing.

The transfer action journalizes the entries and the journal control is created in a released status. The journal must be posted for the transfer transactions to be applied to the invoice. The action is only valid for unprocessed transactions including:

  • Billed: Unprocessed
  • Capitalized: Unprocessed
  • Labor distribution: Unprocessed
  • Indirect burden: Unprocessed

Transactions that are generated in Project Ledger with event codes of AR, BI, BIR, IB, OS, PE, RB, RE, and RER cannot be transferred.

Labor distribution transactions that are generated in Project Ledger with system code of PR and event codes equal to PL, BD, or PJ cannot be transferred.

When a transaction is transferred, the reference field is completed with Transfer Transaction.

Note: If indirect burdens were already calculated, you must reverse or delete any indirect burden transactions related to costs that are transferred.