Populating individual effort

You can run an action to populate effort percentages from the average actual percentages. The last record is adjusted by the action for any rounding issues to a tenth of a percent when the average actual is not exactly 100.00%. Running the Populate Effort Percent action overrides any percentages specified manually. The Populate Effort Percent action can be run only when the system date is after the effort period end date. All labor periods must be processed for the effort period.

  1. Sign in as Project Accountant, Project Certifier, or Project Resource.
  2. For Project Accountant, select Project Management > Effort Certification. Select the Certification By Employee tab to view amounts by employee or select the Certification By Period tab to view amounts by period.
    For Project Certifier, select Employees Effort Certification.

    For Project Resource, select Effort Certification.

  3. Open the employee effort period.
  4. Click Populate Effort Percent.
  5. If a confirmation message is specified on the project structure, click OK to confirm the certification.