Copying an entire order

  1. Select Manage Orders > Customer Orders.
  2. Select Actions > Create By Copy.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select a company number.
    Previous Customer Order
    Select a previous order number that is to be copied to create the new order.
    Copy Add On Charge
    Select this check box if the add on charges on the previous order are copied to the new order.
    Copy Unit Cost
    Select this check box if the unit cost on the previous order is to be copied to the new order.
    Standard Order
    Select a standard order number to be copied to create the new order.
  4. In the Copy To section, specify this information:
    Select a customer number.
    Process Level
    Select a process level.
    Order Type
    Select an order type to determine how the order is processed.
    Select a location from which the items that are added to the order are pulled. If the items are Non Stock, then the location is used only for reporting.
    Bill To
    Select the bill-to customer number.
    Ship To
    Select a ship-to address.
    Requested Date
    Select a date when the items to be delivered are requested by the customer.
    Expected Ship Date
    Select an expected ship date for the order. If this field is blank and no ship days are defined, then the order date is the default. If ship days are defined on the process level, then the ship days are added to the order date to calculate the expected ship date.
  5. Click OK.