Customs duty

Customs duty is a tariff or tax that is imposed on specific commodities, financial transactions, or goods purchased abroad.

Mexico specifics

The pedimento is a tax declaration through which the taxpayer reports to the customs authority the destination of the goods. Importers or exporters use the pedimento during importation or exportation of their goods. It ensures the compliance with tax and non-tax that is inherent to the customs procedure for the foreign trade operation.

Every part that is imported into Mexico should be attached with a pedimento, a customs document number. The pedimento number must be in the invoice when the part is sold. In some cases during the customs operation, in addition to the pedimento, when applicable, the importer must file other documents. For example, the fiscal invoice, bill of lading or air way bill, documents showing trade barrier compliance, origin of the goods, security bonds, weight and volume certificate or laboratory analysis. The exporter must attach an invoice and documents showing trade barrier compliance.

How Infor meets the requirement

See the Financials Setup and Administration Guide for information about add on charges.

See Creating customs duty.