Creating budget allocations

Allocations are used to define the processing rules and the default setup for the allocation lines.

  1. Select Processing > Allocations > Allocation Control.
  2. On the Budget tab, open an allocation control record.
  3. On the Allocations tab, click Create to set up the allocation.
  4. On the Main tab, specify this information:
    Specify a code for the allocation.
    Provide a description.
    Transaction Ledger
    This field default is the ledger to which budgets are created. The default value is Core Ledger.
    Source Ledger
    This field default is the ledger of the budget to allocate. The default value is Core Ledger.
    Default Step
    Select the default step that is assigned to the allocation line.
    Allocation Group
    Select an allocation group. The allocation group is used to enable processing of multiple allocations simultaneously by group.
  5. Click Save.

    The Default Structure tab shows a view of the structures that are assigned to the budget basis. The structures are used for calculation in the allocation line.

  6. Click the Lines tab to create budget allocation lines.